Cardiologist Calls For Suspension Of Covid Injections During BBC Interview

1 year ago

Cardiologist Calls For Suspension Of Covid Injections During BBC Interview

Jan. 14, 2023

Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a UK cardiologist was interviewed by the BBC yesterday morning. The interview was about the latest NICE recommendations on statins, which Dr. Malhotra did.

He also said "there's been a big concern around excess deaths... my own research has found... that the covid mRNA vaccines do carry cardiovascular risks. And I've actually called for the suspension of this pending an inquiry. This is really time to pause the vaccine rollout."

Half an hour after the interview Dr. Malhotra shared a clip of his interview in a tweet with the comment:

"BREAKING BBC News: Cardiologist says likely contributory factor to excess cardiovascular deaths is covid mRNA vaccine and roll out should be suspended pending an inquiry.

"We did it. We broke mainstream broadcast media."

By the evening, The Guardian had published an article dramatically titled 'BBC criticized for letting cardiologist 'hijack' interview with false Covid jab claim'. "The BBC has come under fire from scientists for interviewing a cardiologist who claimed certain covid vaccines could be behind excess deaths from coronary artery disease," it said.

The article describes the pro-vaccine "experts" opinions in the article first, dedicating most of the article to them, but then did end with quoting Dr. Malhotra indicating a more even-handed approach to covid injections than we have seen for the past two years. However, considering the harmful nature of the covid injections, The Guardian doesn't go far enough in alerting the public so they are able to protect themselves from harm by refusing any further injections.

The following are the comments from the "experts" as noted in The Guardian.

Prof Peter Openshaw, professor of experimental medicine at Imperial College London, was also interviewed by the BBC on Friday.

"I did a rapid response interview on the BBC news channel this morning to say that vaccine side-effects very, very rare in comparison with the preventable risks of covid-19. The staff seemed alarmed and embarrassed that they had given him [Malhotra] a platform," he tweeted.

Dr. Stephen Griffin, a virologist at the University of Leeds, said: "I am genuinely astonished by the BBC allowing someone with a known extreme fringe view on mRNA vaccines and the extent to which they are associated with cardiovascular problems to either hijack an interview on a tenuously related topic to express these views, or indeed to appear at all following even a cursory background check."

Prof Marc Dweck, chair of clinical cardiology at the University of Edinburgh, told the Guardian: "I think that Dr. Malhotra's opinions on both statins and Covid vaccines are misguided and in fact dangerous. The vast majority of cardiologists do not agree with his views and they are not based upon robust science.

"I would strongly urge patients to disregard his comments, which seem to be more concerned with furthering his profile (he does not have a cardiology career to speak of) rather than the wellbeing of the public. The BBC should not provide a platform for his views and should go to much greater lengths to research the people they invite to comment."

Dr. Matt Kneale, co-chair of the Doctors' Association, said Malhotra's appearance was "deeply dangerous behavior" and called on the General Medical Council to take action.

BBC criticized for letting cardiologist 'hijack' interview with false Covid jab claim, The Guardian, 13 January 2022

An official investigation needs to be launched into who is funding the above four so-called "experts" and the Universities or organizations they represent.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra:

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