This Is It by Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald ~ The Time to Rise is NOW...

2 years ago

If ever there was a True 'Q-Song', this is it...the writing partnership between Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald has been an amazing one, Michael creates some of his Best Songs between them, and then Kenny Loggins RISES to this Level of Excellence, with his Best Lyrics, which is saying something over his long and prolific career...

And one of the Finest examples of this Divine Union between these two Artists is the Song, This is It...a listen closely, Make NO Mistake about it, these are the END OF TIMES and Judgment Day is approaching, where U must choose between LAWFULLNESS or our continued LAWLESSNESS...this is precisely what the Book of Revelation is speaking to, None of us will gone One Iota more forward until the time of Choosing is done, and the Culling process is complete...One Way or the Other...

And this is why Kenny Loggins wrote what he wrote, each line is inspired Biblically, each word is CAREFULLY CHOSEN, to act as a Calling to all of us, to Choose, but to Choose WISELY...thus, the 2nd Verse and Pre-Chorus...

'The waiting is over, no, don't you run
No way to hide
No time for wonderin' why
It's here, the moment is now, about to decide
Let 'em believe
Leave 'em behind
But keep me near in your heart

Know whatever you do, I'm here by your side
For once in your life, here's your miracle
Stand up and fight'

Time is running out, soon there will be NO WHERE TO RUN, Nowhere to Hide, your Choice MUST be made, and this is why Kenny says, 'Let 'em beLIEve, Leave 'em behind, but Keep ME Near in your Heart', as this is precisely what Jesus Christ tells us straight from the pages of the Books of Matthew, Luke and Revelation, Let the Dead bury the Dead, God is the God of the Living, now, Choose LIFE and let's get going, as we've got work to do to CLEAN UP this World...

THIS IS IT...the Ending of the World (The Cabalistic ILLUSION that we have been tricked into Living as Dead Men Walking), for the RE-Birth of the EARTH...Heaven Upon Earth to be precise, so, what are U waiting for, as Kenny wrote in the 2nd pre-Chorus and Chorus...

'For once in your life, here's your miracle
Stand up and fight

Make no mistake where you are
(This is it)
You're goin' no further
(This is it)
Until it's over and done

Stand UP and Fight against the LIES buried Deep Inside of You, This is It, U will go no further until U choose between the Darkness and the Light, so FIGHT for LIFE within U, and choose God, which gives us the Stunning BRIDGE to the song, where Kenny wrote...

'Oh oh oh oh
(Who makes the choice of how it goes?)
It's not up to me this time
(You know)
Comes a day in every life
This is It...'

And this is a Call/Response passage, where Michael McDonald sings as Jesus Christ speaking, (Who makes the Choice of how it goes?) and Kenny replies, as he AWAKENS within the song, with 'It's not up to me this time', and then Jesus says, ('U KNOW'), and finally Kenny responds with 'Comes a Day in EVERY LIFE', that U choose do as Jesus Says, and TAKE NO THOUGHT for Your Life, and Trust ONLY in that which comes from God, Within U, and U Wisely Choose LIFE, not Death...

So, Breathe it all in, as Good as the Song is musically, it is even better lyrically, and This is It was written for Right Here, Right Now...then take a Deep Breathe, and CHOOSE GOD one hundred out of one hundred times, Always Choose God...

With Love, CF

Sit back, relax, open your MIND, and FEEL what the message to this song is sharing with U, that God is Love and that Love is WITHIN U as your Foundational Core...

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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