How Should We Then Live (1977)

1 year ago

Vision Video

Nov 9, 2020
This is Dr. Francis Schaeffer's spectacular series on the rise and decline of Western Culture from a Christian perspective. This program presents profound truths in simple language and concludes that man's only hope is a return to God's Biblical absolute- the Truth revealed in Christ through the Scriptures.

In episode 1: The Roman Age, Dr. Schaeffer studies ancient Rome and the problem of finite gods as the basis of society.

In the continuation of the series, episode 2: The Middle Ages, we look at the social, political, and intellectual uncertainty of a Post-Roman world, the influence of Christianity, and the consequence of the Church's deviation from early teachings and ensuing theological distortions.

In episode 3: The Renaissance, classical thought was reborn, but an increased drift toward total humanism and the emphasis on Man's autonomy progresses toward its logical conclusion, as seen in the artistic contributions of the period.

Dr. Schaeffer compares and contrasts key ideas of the Reformation and the preceding age of the Renaissance in Episode 4: The Reformation. Join him as he studies the age's reaction against medieval religious distortions of the biblical and early Christian Church's teaching.

What does revolution look like when based on Reformation ideals as opposed to Enlightenment philosophy? Join Dr. Schaeffer in Episode 5: The Revolutionary Age as he compares politics formed on a Christian foundation to those divorced from Christianity.

Was the Bible truly an impediment to science? Was there more to the conflict between Copernicus and the Church? Dr. Schaeffer review the biblical influence on science and the shift in modernity in Episode 6: The Scientific Age.

How did theologians and philosophers of the rationalist tradition differ from those of the existentialist tradition, and what impact did it have on shaping predominant worldviews? Dr. Schaeffer hosts and looks at shifts in modern philosophy, the influence of existentialism and the popularization of nonrational experiences in Episode 7: The Age of Non-Reason.

What does a rejection of an objective reality to lead to? Join Dr. Schaeffer in Episode 8: The Age of Fragmentation as he reviews how art, music, and culture depict a philosophical acceptance of inconsistency, confusion, and absurdity.

Humanistic thought leads to pessimism regarding the meaning for life and for fixed values, and general acceptance of selfish values accompany a rejection of Christian consensus. Dr. Schaeffer looks at the consequences of materialistic and hedonistic living in Episode 9: The Age of Personal Peace and Affluence.

What are the options left if the current trajectory of Western Civilization prevails? Join Dr. Schaeffer as he speculates on what comes next as a result of our society's philosophies in Episode 10: Final Choices.

Director: John Gonser
Starring: Francis Schaeffer, Edith Schaeffer

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