Who The Tin Foil Cap Fit: Conspiracy Theories That are True, and Which are Unarguably False

2 years ago

The tin-foil hat club is one of the fastest growing Secret Societies on Earth. Its membership encompasses people from all classes, races, and religions (unfortunately)...and is mostly pretty embarrassing. Brain dead , religion-driven, theories best exemplified by the Flat Earth contigent, compete with the Satanic Cabal's supposed adrenochrome habit (basically a stress hormone that would accellerate aging, along with a dozen horrific and undesirable side effects) for the attention of a naive, gullible, and remarkably uniformed demographic whose insufferably ironic catchphrase tends to be "do your own reserarch."

At a time when it has never been more important to question the mainstream narrative on well...everything, it is unbecoming of people to discourage this behaviour by makng free thinking look like a hallmark of stupidity. Few, it seems, that have espcaped the Matrix-approved thought conditioning are capable of applying critical thinking and reason in their search for The Truth. To make matters worse, the alternative narratives are also largely generated by Matrix shills, when they dont orginate from unscrupulous, opportunistic, charaltans.

It is an absolute certainty that some conspiracies are quite real, and obviously so. JFK, 911, and more recent events that I can't mention directly (cough-cough) jump to mind. The Illiminati is also real, but literally the polar opposite of what most people believe it to be.

In toights livestream, we will put some of the clunkiest, dumbest, most embarrasingly popular conspiracy theories under the microscope in n effort to demonstrate the kind of thinking that can effectively discern plausile from implausible, realistic from fantastical, and most imporatantly, smart from very, very, very phucking dumb.

I'd rather wear a tin foil hat than a blindfold. Just don't let the hat cover your eyes.

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#conspiracytheories #flatearth #debunking #sataniccabal #illuminati #nwo #spirituality #criticalthinking #cabal #911 #alexjones #grahamhancock #freethinking #censorship #conscious

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