Kash Patel - Classified Docs Found In Third Spot Tied To Biden [It’s all a show for the sheeple]

2 years ago

Everything You Were Observing Right Now in US Politics
Has Been Scripted. It’s Part of The Plan to Save the World
[Awaken more and limit civil unrest, etc.]
The US has been under Active Martial Law since March 2020 [Soft Martial Law] [Optics]
Judy Note: On Thurs. 12 Jan. multiple stashes of classified documents that tied Biden to illegal deals with China were found in Biden’s personal possession.
Is Biden a Traitor? It was also discovered that classified information has been sold to the Chinese Communist Party on behalf of Joe Biden in connection to the Obama presidency.
This CCP corruption of buying classified documents was connected to China CCP Intelligence, who used the classified docs in leveraging, blackmailing U.S. Elites, Politicians and high level officers in the U.S. State Department.
A former IRS Agent confided that US Income Tax was voluntarily and enforcement was illegal.
Behind the Scenes:
• Trump pushed for McCarthy for a reason (we all know McCarthy is [DS] and supporting Ukraine and getting BILLIONS to the Ukraine money laundering system that returns the money to the U.S. Military Industrial Complex system.
• In short 70% of the money going to Ukraine is being sent back to the 33 Degree Free Masons Rockefellers-Jesuits-Rothchild’s BlackRock, who run the U.S. Military Industrial Complex, who create weapons and wars for the world money laundering operations.
• Trump is playing a game to expose McCarthy and the Deep State Republicans (Rinos) in the moment Trump must be the person who seems to unite the Republicans even though Trump knows the U.S. was a captured operation and the Courts were captured by the Cabal Deep State. [This is why the need for Mil Law of War / Martial Law]
• Trump knows a huge exposure of the CIA, Pentagon, FBI, DOJ is coming. This has already begun with the Pentagon in chaos as leaks continue. The Pentagon is deeply involved in the 2012-2013 creation and funding of the Covid-19 Virus bioweapon and vaccines with their connections to the CDC, Fauci, Daszak.
• It’s all connected to War, Money Laundering and the US Military Industrial War Complex Satanic System. You were watching a very highly complicated Plan that was connected to exposing the World Military Complex System and the Deep State – a Plan that involved exposing the US being captured by foreign domestic operations.
• Everything is leading to the exposure of DARPA, Pentagon, CIA, FISA (United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court). This court is operated by the DARPA (who controls the CIA, Pentagon and FISA).
• They give power to the Deep State Military Intelligence, who illegally by pass Congress, the United States courts and three branches of government by holding their own FISC court.
• This procedure gives the CIA and Pentagon the power to entrap US Citizens, politicians, Elites, Corporations and companies into Blackmail operations.
• They create Military Coups across the World and bring down countries and governments including using FISA to run foreign interference in US Elections.
• Panic in the Pentagon as the White Hats expose the FISA Deep State Pentagon regime.

NCSWIC - What does that mean Riccardo Bosi [behind the scenes info]
The Truth Is Not For Everyone https://truelovefaith.com

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