Is Russell M Nelson a True Prophet of God?

1 year ago


Book "EMERGING VIRUSES" by Doctor Horowitz - FREE PDF -

I was very saddened to see this on the news. The Church of Latter Day Saints endorses President Nelson as "a true prophet of God"

... hmm... stick with me here:

I knew (2 years ago) that this vaccine was dangerous and I warned people about it. Most didn't listen. I was given 2 strikes on my YouTube channel for making my "Planned Pandemic" series.

I was banned from Facebook for over 6 months, and Twitter for 2 years. I was prophesying that "this is dangerous, do not take it." (More common sense than prophetic, but since Mormons like the word 'prophesy' so much.)

But the leader of the LDS church goes on TV and does the opposite, and recommends it, and we now know people are getting heart inflammation, sudden death, blood clots, palsy, among other deadly and injurious side effects. Even the organist for the church in Salt Lake City died shortly after getting the covid jab.

(Even "sudden death" is listed as a side effect on the waiver.... seriously.)

SO MY QUESTION IS... would not a true prophet of God do the exact opposite? Wouldn't he warn everyone to avoid the vaccine? Many members of the church got this injection, and many of them died from it.

So your president actually told people to go risk their lives to be "good global citizens" and you still follow him with blind faith, calling him a prophet... I'm sorry, but you are brainwashed.

This isn't even getting into the numerous reports that the LDS faith was started by a fraudster (Joseph Smith) who claimed to hear directly from God, and then committed adultery with many married women because he said "an angel would kill him with a sword, if he didn't start practicing polygamy." I mean, this is nuts... but people will believe just about anything these days.

I love my LDS friends and I enjoy the supportive family atmosphere of the church, but if I were in the church, I would demand that President Nelson apologizes and steps down (resigns). This is not the mark of a prophet. This is a gravely serious matter. This should not be taken lightly and false teachers should not be followed blindly.

What do you think?

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