Oak Hill Church of Christ 5-22-22 Message "You Matter"

2 years ago

God has created everyone with the power to create, the choice of each individual person is what they are creating, whether it is good or whether it is evil.

It is easy to say that you stand for good things and against bad things, but the true test of a person is whether their actions prove their words true. For those seeking a better place to learn more about God's Truth and His Word, He has provided the institution of "the assembly" which we call "church."

Lessons about going to church or hearing God's Word tend to be somewhat ironic, since those who are at church or hearing the Word don't always need to hear about how important it is.

The message of God to His people is that He has provided an extrordinary opportunity for them to learn and grow in wisdom so that they may bring others to where they have learned it. Like a shepherd leads sheep to water, you may have an opportunity to lead those you know to Church.

If you have a hard time wondering what to say, or how to share the importance of getting together with God's family to learn and grow, watch or listen to this message.

You may be just what someone needs in order to lead them out of the dry desert of their life and toward the nourishing Living Water of Christ.

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