Meet Our Holy Mother God - Gnostic Sermon

2 years ago

Your Body is the Temple of God

The misunderstanding of the Snake Character in the Abrahamic Origin Story is the very thing that keeps us afraid of our Shadow Self and chained to our ego’s toxic patterns. In the ancient Solomonic teachings, predating this dogma, the Snake was revered as a sacred symbol for the Holy Mother God, as She is in all other world cultures.

There is an energetic design to enlightenment. Dogma would have us believe that Jesus was born perfect and we best pray to him to ‘save us’ from our ‘sinful’ nature. From the Gnostic perspective, Jesus attained his perfection through surrendering, practice, hard work, and holding true to the voice of the Mother who whispers from the heart. If he did it, we can do it too.

Across ancient cultures this path has been symbolised as two snakes rising up a column or the ‘the spine’. In Gnostic Alchemy, this symbol is called the Caduceus.

The journey of liberating the ‘Satan’ or ‘Serpent Energy’ from the base of the spine, or Root chakra through the entire system and up into the Crown Chakra is indeed ‘The Great Work’. The Hero-ine’s Journey of truly engaging with the Self and facing the shadows within. This is a spiritual science and there are tools one can use to attain enlightenment, but it’s not easy.

It requires devotion to seeing through one's egoic illusions and bravely releasing each one as the voice of the Mother reveals it to us.

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Peace and Love,
You are the Guru.

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