Scientist Transform Girls Into Dolls | Transformation & Switch body | Girl Next Movie Review

1 year ago

Scientist Transform Girls Into Dolls | Transformation & Switch body | Girl Next Movie Review

movie name 📛 girl next


your quaris

sexy movie

body swap

female possession

girl next movie

girl next movie review

mtf body swap


Mtf Transformation

Mtf possession

body swap mtf

mtf shapeshift

female disguise

tg transformation

body swap possession


movie short summary

Girl Next is a 2020 American science fiction horror film about a young woman who is kidnapped by traffickers and subjected to mind-control. However, she resists and fights back. Also known as The Next Girl

Directed by Larry Wade Carrell (She Rises; Jacob) from a screenplay written by co-producer Zeph E. Daniel
Unknown to Lorian, though, she’s been targeted for abduction. She’s drugged and taken to a remote rundown ranch where international traffickers not only deliver women for their bodies but change them into obedient, beautiful yet placid and willing-to-please drones. They also kill the ones who resist the program.
Sofia’ is the newest model from Heinrich, a scientist whose genius is using trauma-based mind-control techniques along with other hideous extremes of physical and mental torture to create the perfect doll. Heinrich thinks Lorian is actually the next breakthrough model and is excited to raise the price of delivery.


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