Germany,The EU, The Dis-United Kingdom and The Democratic Deficit

2 years ago

This video is 'rescued' from Y Tube (One I made earlier) as is the following description:
1,070 views Nov 17, 2011
Edward Spalton is a vice chairman of the Campaign for an Independent
Britain. Until retirement from business he ran a specialised animal feed
flavour company. The complications of the Common Agricultural Policy
caused him to investigate the roots of the European Economic community (later the EU) which he increasingly felt to be authoritarian. He has been an opponent of Britain's membership since the Eighties.
He found that the EU's origin was, at least in part, from German plans
for a united Europe, dating from the Kaiser's and Nazi periods. He
translated "Europaeische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft" (European Economic
Community), a collection of expert German papers from 1942 which
accurately foreshadowed many of the aspects of today's EU, including the euro currency.
He was an early member of UKIP but has campaigned on a cross party basis since 2000. He is a member of the Freedom Association and of the Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan Studies. He made contributions over the years to EU-related topics in the Philadelphia Trumpet, the magazine
which conducted this interview. Disclaimer: The makers of this video do not necessarily agree with its content. It is offered for education and information.

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