A Few Words On Judicial And Agency Fraud In The Administration Of The Income Tax

2 years ago

FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS Americans have been getting a hard lesson about the evils of "narrative management". By this we mean state-serving disinformation campaigns, usually amplified and maintained by co-opted and collaterally-benefiting media and other private interests, also known as "consent engineering" projects.

Just in this young century alone we have suffered such campaigns in regard to COVID-19, "climate change", "Russiagate", the 2014 Ukraine coup and the agenda on behalf of which it was carried out, and election rigging, in addition to earlier campaigns concerning "Iraqi WMDs", corporations that are "too big [to be allowed] to fail" and more.

Happily, most of those operations listed above are slowly being exposed by the diligent work of (primarily) "alt-media" journalists and alert civic-minded amateurs. However, the grand-daddy of all disinformation campaigns-- the success of which enables and makes profitable all the others-- has remained hidden from most eyes.

That grand-daddy snow-job is the fictional narrative that in 1913, Americans decided to subject themselves to a direct tax on all that comes in, which is excused from the "apportionment" requirement on all such taxes hardwired into the US Constitution. Didn't happen!

In this video, legal scholar and rule-of-law activist Pete Hendrickson exposes the frauds committed by federal appellate courts and executive agencies on behalf of this false narrative. Better still, Pete shares the liberating truth about the income tax which those frauds are meant to conceal.

So, buckle up. You're about to have the red-pill ride of your life.

Btw, the Q&A session that followed the presentation you're about to watch in this video can be seen at https://youtu.be/8DyxzRDAFdg. A text file of this presentation can be found at https://losthorizons.com/TaxFraud.pdf.

Btw II, you can find more videos like this on my Rumble channel at https://rumble.com/c/c-1109321 and many, many more on my YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/channel/UCO6lZpgW_15HUwtXRh3wdvA.

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