Friday Night Tights Dallas Meetup | Severance & From | Elon, Twitter, & SpaceX | The MFer Podcast #5

2 years ago

It's the fifth, count it FIFTH, episode of The MFer Podcast and this one is an absolute DOOZY. I've got the nail-biting next installment of Luke's flea issue, a recap of the Dallas meetup, spiteful women ruining my personal relationships, good shows to watch, and ELON MUSK. You just can't miss this one. Thank-you for watching and please comment below!

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00:00 - 5:34 Intro and Luke's fleas
5:35 - 12:52 Dallas FNT Meetup
12:53 - 25:53 Personal Relationship Follies
25:54 - 38:06 "Severance" on Apple+ And "From"
38:07 Elon Musk, Twitter, & BOTS

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