This was the moment, #ClosedCircuitSelling was born through #CommercialAccessGates

1 year ago

What was the point in time that I figured out #ClosedCircuitSelling through #CommercialAccessGates you ask?

This is exactly what happened.

#CommercialAccessGates explained part 4.

One to many is the answer for all.


Here is how.

Once you get your head around that, as stated in part 1, it doesn’t matter if its B2B or B2C.

Commercialisation for all, just tilt snd shift where the #CommercialAccessGates are to get you one to many.

That’s the missing piece of the #ClosedCircuit

Instead of having perfect top down targeting revenue plans for end to end service delivery for one persona at Company B, one at a time. (Good but not great)

How about, selling to more of those Company B’s personas in one go… (Let’s try operate from great)

Sounds like a pipe dream?
It doesn’t need to be.

Growth by magnification = #ClosedCircuitSelling utilising #CommercialAccessGates

For those of your that unequivocally recognise the ease of use I am suggesting here, YES this is co-dependent on being in an organisation, where you CAN play outside the box. Aka, marketing and bid, either help you with this, or you are ALLOWED to do this.

MANY that know my story, know I found it easier to ask for forgiveness after I had the contracts than it was to ask for permission to change a large wheel turning ship’s Go To Market strategy (in whole).

BUT, what did this indirectly show me? = Marketing weren’t creating the right targeting, revenue top down plan, or educational content to service demand. Bid were making proposals, that were being rejected as they were lost in translation.

So #ClosedCircuitSelling through #CommercialAccessGates was born out of necessity to service a more customer centric action.

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