Struggle of Spirits for Human Souls... Connection this World & Beyond ❤️ 3rd Testament Chapter 41-3

2 years ago

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The Struggle of the Spirits for Human Souls

48. Beyond your human lives exists a world of spirits, your brothers and sisters, beings invisible to man, fighting amongst themselves to conquer you.

49. This conflict arises from the differences in development between them. The beings of light, carried by the ideal of love, harmony, peace, and perfection, sow light upon the path of mankind, inspiring them to always do good, and revealing to them all that is for their own well-being, all the while the beings that still cling to the materialism of the Earth, those who have been unable to free themselves of their selfishness and their love for the world, or those who, for an indefinite amount of time, indulged in human obsessions and tendencies, sow confusion upon the path of humanity, clouding minds, blinding hearts, and enslaving wills, taking advantage of men, transforming them into instruments of their plans, or to use them as though their bodies were their own.

50. The spiritual world of light seeks to win over the spirits of men, so as to open for them a breach to eternity. These blessed legions labor unceasingly, growing in love, becoming nurses at the bedside of pain, counselors by the side of men bearing great responsibilities, counselors to the youth, guardians of children, and companions to those who live alone and forgotten. Meanwhile, the legions of beings without the light of spiritual wisdom or the elevated feeling of love too labor unceasingly among humanity. However, their purpose is not to facilitate your journey to the spiritual realm. No, the intentions of these beings are wholly opposed to those of the beings of light. They seek to dominate the world, to continue acting as its lords, to immortalize themselves upon the Earth, to dominate men, transforming them into slaves and instruments of their own will. In other words, they will not allow themselves to be dispossessed of that which they have always considered their own, their due: The world.

51. So, disciples: Between these beings an intense conflict persists, a conflict your corporeal eyes cannot see, but whose reflections are made manifest in your world every single day.

52. In order for this humanity to defend and free itself from evil influences, it must have knowledge of the truth that surrounds it, it must learn to pray with the spirit, and it must know as well what gifts its being has been endowed with, so it may employ them as weapons in this great battle of good against evil, of light against darkness, and of spiritualization against materialism.

53. The spiritual world of light works, endeavours and prepares everything, so the world may one day set out on the path of spiritualization.

54. Reflect on all this, and you can imagine the intensity of this conflict your spiritual brothers and sisters, who work towards the salvation of men, are embroiled in. This conflict is a cup for them, from which you ceaselessly give them to drink the bitter gall of ingratitude, for you limit yourselves to receiving from them all the good they do to you, but without ever doing your part to assist them in their efforts.

55. Few are they who know how to join them, few are they who are receptive to their inspirations and follow their instructions, and yet how strong do these few walk through life, how secure they feel, and what enjoyments and inspirations spur on their spirits.

56. The majority of men are torn between the two influences, unable to decide, not giving in completely to materialism, but also not making an effort to free themselves of it in order to spiritualize their lives, that is to say, to elevate themselves through goodness, wisdom, and spiritual strength.


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