Revelation Heaven and Hell

1 year ago

Description of Video
A quick summary of the video is listed below along with all other videos! Please scroll below to find them!

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Channel Intent
These videos are for All People, from all Nations, all Languages, all Races, without Discrimination, we are but spirits with names and nothing more, as God wrote in book of Revelation, for anyone who can hear what the spirit speaks to them, let them hear. This channel is pure spirituality for all God’s children! These words are inspired by our true God, YHWH, who is all those who have lived and have died who were righteous! This channel does not relate itself with any religion of the world today, in the past, or in the future! This channel is about everyone having a personal relationship with God!

Original Revelation
The Aramaic to English translation of the book of revelation. This is as close as you are going to get to the language spoken by Yeshua Barr Joseph aka Jesus Christ and his followers. Enjoy

Original Scriptures
Link to original Aramaic to English translation of the bible! Find out what you have been missing! Find out what they have changed through the countless translations! I highly recommend you read the scriptures as written from right to left in the same spirit as they were written. It is critical to them in this manner in order for the spirit of the writer to enlighten you!

Great Resource
Another great source for original scriptures. Plus the search features is really powerful! I highly recommend using this if you are doing research into specific words or topics.

The Testimony of the Protestants
The testimony of all the Protestants killed by Roman Catholics and more! Every Christian needs to read this! Know your churches and what they have done! Also, this is the primary reason why people don’t understand how the end of humanity is going to occur or Revelation!

Previous Videos Released:

Heaven and Hell
In this video I answer some questions from viewers! What is the real heaven about? What is hell here? Where can I find the details about heaven? What is Shoel?

God vs Kings
In this video, I will explain the symbology in Revelation and in the book of Daniel. The one in revelation symbolizes YHWH God and all those who have lived and have died who were righteous while the one in Daniel symbolizes the kingdom of Kings and the people with an evil will

How is Armageddon going to happen and when? Who will bring it to humanity? The answers are in this video!

What is Baptism?
In this video, we will find out together what baptism symbolizes. Also, we will find some examples in the gospels that do not make sense. Finally, I will talk about the bible. Do we need to read the bible for salvation? The answers and more are in this video!

Fish in the Sea
In this video, we will find out that we can use the symbology from the prophecies to interpret things which are happening here today. In this video, I used the story of the eagles in California to reveal the hidden spiritual story!

Burning Bush!
Once you figure out the symbology or poetry, all sorts of stories are revealed behind the mystical stories that religion has written. In this one, we will find out why God is in a burning bush!!!

Sacrificing of Bull
Why does religion sacrifice a bull at the altar? The answer is in this video. Also, how is the evil in this world fighting against God or couteracting what God is doing? The schocking revelation is in this video. Plus, we will find out why they removed two chapters from the Book of Daniel.

Who is WHWH?
Who is WHWH? I live this up to the person who is watching to figure this riddle out!
Clues: YH is Yah or God. But what came before YH or YHWH? Meditate on this as you watch the video to find out who is the True Judge! In this video, we will use science to bridge the gap between spirituality and God. You will understand God a little better after watching this video!

Spirituality 101
Unlock the spirituality that religion does not want you to know! After watching this video, all the scriptures will start to make sense and you will understand a spirit with science and God through science.

The Real Story of Johan
If you think you know that the story of Jonah and wale, watch this video! Everything is symbolized, poetry for another story. As religion wrote fiction and magical stories something greater was writing another story, the truth! No more lies from religion and their satanic rituals!

Heavy Burdens
After watching this video you will understand the heavy burdens that Jesus was here to lift that still reside in humanity today! Yes, the same burdens are upon you, the cross that religion talks about is placed upon you from religion! All the details in this video and more!

The Second Messiah
Did you know there was a second Messiah that religion does not want you to know? In this video you will find out who that is with scriptures as always but more importantly why they lie to you! I am here to remove the veil of lies from religion and expose who they truly! This is for all the religions of the world through time! Your time has come to an end!

Jesus and Two Donkeys
In this video you will find out why Jesus was riding on a donkey to Jerusalem! The donkey is symbology, poetry for something else! The shocking revelation of the donkeys we know today and the donkeys of the past all revleaded along with the heavy burdens they have brought to humanity! No more lies from religion! I will expose them all!

Satan Revealed with Proof!
I will use only the words that God wrote to prove to you who the Real Satan is! See if you can figure out the mystery by the clues along the way! Pay attention to the clues that God gives you about The Rock, The Stone, The Stumbling Block, and the Trap or Snare!

Devil Revelaed with Proof
I will use only the words that God wrote to prove to you who the Real Devil is! ! See if you can figure out the mystery by the clues along the way! Pay attention to what God is symbolizing with this story. Everything is symbolized, poetry which stands for something else. There is a real story plus a spiritual story which is the story of God.

Prophets as Prisoners
Have you ever asked why are the prophets always held in prison? Tortured and thrown in fires to burn? John was in the island of Patmos writing revelation. Find out these answers as well as why we don’t have any more prophets!

Break the Seals!
In this video, I am going to show you and teach you how to break the seals open on all the prophecies including other writings. I will use two words to show you how this is done. Must watch video! New stories will open up to you and you will finally see what religion has been hiding from us!

The Beasts of Daniel
In this video, I explain the four beast from the book of Daniel but more importantly, I will tell you who the stone is that crushes the image that the king sees!

Break The Seals!
Do you want to be able to understand verses from the bible that did not make sense before? In this video I define the word sea and land and then I read to you 49 other verses from the bible and using that symbology, the verses wil finally make sense!

The Snake Revealed
Notes for the video!

Do you want to find out who the snake in the garden of Eden really is? Do you want to find out who the workers of the vineyard are from the parable of the vineyard? Do you want a surprise ending to this story? Watch this video for that and more!

Redeemer of the Accursed
In this video, we find out who the Real Redeemer of the Accursed really is!

The Miracles
In this video, I talk about the miracles that Jesus Christ performed. After watching this vide, a miracle will happen to you, and your eyes will be opened!

The Man of Psalms
Video Notes Link
Who is the Man Speaking throughout the Psalms? In this video, we will all find out! This is a shocking story, it was shocking to me! I asked God for an answer, and he delivered as always! I hope you find this answer as well! You will not read the Psalms again without seeing this man speaking to you!

Religion Sins!
What is a sin? Will you go to hell if you sin? Who writes what is a sin? Who judges you if you sin?
The truth will liberate you! It is not what you think! Watch video for all the details!

Revelation the Real Four Horsemen
Religion tells us that the four horsemen will come in the future correct? Let’s see what the prophecies have to say about the subject! By now, you are starting to realize that religion is nothing but mythical stories of dragons, beasts, angels, and demons in a virtual fictitious world. As we all know, God warned us of witchcraft and sorceries, and in this video, we find out they have lied about what the true horsemen are! There is a reason why they dont want you to know! If you cant see the evil, you will tolerate the evil! Enjoy!

Revelation Isaac Newton Said What?
"And after his resurrection he reproved also this ignorance in his disciples, saying unto them, O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken! Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets he expounded unto them, in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. Thus also the Apostles and those who in the first ages propagated the gospel urged chiefly these Prophesies, and exhorted their hearers to search and see whether all things concerning our savior, ought not to have been as they fell out." Isaac Newton

Revelation the Lies of Religion
This is a great video to watch for anyone interested in knowing how religion was born and how religion has taken the wisdom and understanding of God for traditions and commandments written by men Isaiah 29:13-15! Once you watch this video, you will not see religion with the same set of eyes!

Revelation the Precious Spirits
If you watch any video on my channel, this is the best in my opinion! Bar none, if you ask me which of my revelations has been the most life changing, it is this one! Please Please Please watch this over and over until you get tears in your eyes! Open your heart to your loved ones! We used to say, never forget your loved ones in heaven and their spirit will never die! Why did they say this and what does this mean? The answer is in this video!

Revelation The Donkeys
Learn how to read prophecies and understand Jesus Christ’s parables! A short sweet video to remind you to please your own judgment and mind when it comes to God or divine things! Ask God for answers, not the tens of thousands of religion!

Revelation Daily Bread
Shocking revelations about the Vatican and the symbology there, images and idols I should say! You will laugh at this but this is all information that you guys can find out there yourselves! Enjoy!

Revelation Freedom
Do you want to find God? Do you want to know how easy it is? Do you want to ditch the tens of thousands of religions? Do you like spirituality and a one to one relationship with God? A short video that will set you free!

Revelation All about the Jews
Do you want to know what God has to say about the Jews, Judeans, Judah, Jerusalem, Judaism? The shocking testimony of God is here and all from the prophecies with references!

Revelation The Source of God
The source of creation of God is defined in the book of Revelation! You will be shocked to find what it really means! This is one of my top videos that everyone should watch!

Revelation Heaven Part 2
This is the conclusion of heaven part 1. No its not about the heaven you know. These videos are about the heaven that God wrote and not religion!

Revelation Heaven Part 1
Lets see what God had to say about heaven! Lets use our own mind to find the truth and hear Gods words! This is part 1 of a two part series! As always with Gods words from the prophecies!

Revelation The Big Question
Always question everything! In this video, we ask what did God write and what did people write? I mean he warns us of commandments written by men, laws, so where are they written? In what book? Who teaches them? What are those traditions? As always, with quotes from scriptures to paint a big story! Enjoy the conclusion!

Revelation The Notorious Serial Killer
Do you know that there is a famous serial killer who is worshiped like a God? Do you know who he is? Many people follow this guy believe it or not and they think they are Godly for doing so! I can’t make this up, as always with shocking proof!

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