Oak Hill Church of Christ 5-29-22 Message: "I''ll Do It My Way"

2 years ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the need for every Christian to develop a humble trust in God for the path of life.

There is a yearning within a person and in society as a whole to be independent, to never need help, and to always have the answers, regardless of the situation.

This aversion to aid, counsel, and rescue combines with the refusal to submit to leadership and makes a person into a terror who many times creates their own personal hell that they live in daily as a result of unadmitted mistakes, uncorrected failure, and unforgiven sin.

God has another path laid out for His children, that if they will submit to his will and follow His lead, He will shepherd them to good places and bless their life. The believer is exhorted to turn away from selfish arrogance and twoard salvation through submission to God's plan for life and behavior.

Those who choose to follow God's path and allow Him to be their shepherd will know the peace and guidance that is found only in the hands of the Living God.

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