Chris Williamson On Rogan | Demi Lovato She/her | Shaun King Good For a Laugh | The MFer Podcast #10

1 year ago

The 11th episode of The MFer Podcast is here! I start by recapping a podcast I did with Vigilante Williamson on the topic of Diversity in Comics. Next, a podcaster I really enjoy did his Rogan appearance, good old Demi Lovato is back on the cis train, Shaun King and his $40K guard dog and sadly I end with the tragic life and death of Michael K Williams. Hope you enjoy the show!!

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00:00 - 19:52 Intro and Culture Crime Fighters
19:53 - 26:41 Chris Williamson on Rogan
26:42 - 42:40 Demi Lovato Mania
42:41 - 54:42 Shaun King is a Joke
54:43 Michael K Williams

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