Flotek and FLIProducts Introduces Rig Rags & Rig Wash to Walmart for OpenCall – Made in the USA

2 years ago

What happens when a world class retailer @Walmart, comes together with a world class chemicals manufacturer from Texas @Flotek? Solutions born from adversity! Flotek is introducing their new brand of safe and environmentally friendly Rig Rags Towels and Rig Wash Spray, a heavy duty cleaner and degreaser with natural citrus scent for the home, shop, and job site. It’s a patented formula, totally non-toxic and biodegradable. Made in the USA from Marlow OK, Flotek is diversifying and investing in American jobs and a local supply chain! We are looking forward to partnering with Walmart on this next adventure! @FLIProducts

#Walmart #OpenCall #MadeintheUSA #SaveMoneyLiveBetter #InvestinginAmericanJobs #Flotek #FLIProducts #Walmartopencall2022


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