What's the dumbest reason someone broke up with you?

1 year ago

Whats the dumbest reason someone broke up with you?
Because her friends broke up with their boyfriends.
I visited my dad. While he was in hospital. With cancer. She broke up with me because I was visiting my dying dad instead of visiting her. I feel like I dodged a major bullet....
No joke. Her mood ring changed colours.
Car was too old. Dropped her, car is still chugging along.
"You've been really sad ever since I cheated on you and I don't like that, so bye!"
She broke it off to try and be with a guy at her job. He told her he wouldn’t go out with someone already in a relationship. He was trying to be nice and not cause trouble. She didn’t get the guy and she lost her job because she made a big scene about not getting what she wanted. I’d say I was the lucky one in that situation even if it didn’t feel like it at the time.
Not me, but my sister got dumped because the dude had gotten a nicer car, and told her that now he felt he needed a prettier girlfriend than she was.
2 months into dating a girl, I accidentally spilled some melatonin out of my backpack on her bedroom floor. She was like "What are those pills!?" Accusations of me being a drug addict (I wasn't) and then blocked me on everything.
My old roommate broke up with this girl cus he heard her fart once
Was convinced I was cheating on them with my gay cousin.
I didn’t agree that his favourite pizza brand was good.
They saw a car pulled over with a flat tire and took it as a sign from God.
I dated a woman for about a year and helped her finish her PhD. I proofread and wrote some of her thesis. After she received the degree, she broke up with me. She said she didn't feel comfortable that she was better educated than I was.

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