Life of David: David’s Core Reality: Identity in Intimacy and Meekness

2 years ago

Life of David: David’s Core Reality: Identity in Intimacy and Meekness


David is the model of the anointed Church that operates in power through worship and intercession that comes from those who walk out lifestyles of radical love and obedience towards Jesus. The foundation of David’s ministry was his revelation of the governmental impact of prophetic intercessory worship (Ps. 22:3). This is God’s most powerful weapon in shifting government in the spirit and transforming the earth now and in the Millennial Kingdom (Ps. 149:6-9; Rev. 4-5). This is called the beauty of holiness or the Tabernacle of David.

Our identity is the way we define ourselves or how we determine our value or measure our success. This is one of the most important issues of life. If established in a biblical way, then we have Holy Spirit power on our hearts even in difficulty. If established wrongly, then our lives are filled with strife even with prosperity. David has a radical different paradigm in the way he
established his identity or sense of value or importance and how he measure his success.

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