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Willful Blindness

2 years ago

Ask yourself if #willfulblindness is specifically applicable to what had transpired the last few years,
willful blind·​ness
: deliberate failure to make a reasonable inquiry of wrong doing despite suspicion or an awareness of the high probability of its existence
NOTE: Willful blindness involves conscious avoidance of the truth and gives rise to an inference of knowledge of the crime in question.

Willful Blindness
The purposeful ignorance of a fact that is highly likely to be true.

AND I hope you enjoyed that #barnburner of a #reelvideo yesterday about the Twitter Files 🤡

#knowledgeisempowering share some today
#headinthesand still?
AND #getoutofyourownway

Stay lifted laughing and loving the gift of each day #friendsandenemies
#DoNotComply and keep #fightthegoodfight



  • 0/2000
  • Welcome to the New Age, eh! Hope you and the Missus are Grand and the Farm is fruitful brother! Peace and a Happy New Age Chili!