Now is a Great Time to Get the PSWii60 Games You Want

2 years ago

My camera isn't the best, and my editing software is still doing the strange visual glitch thing when paired with footage from my camera.

I'm not trying to make it seem more urgent than it is, but since I've been enjoying picking up games for the PS3, 360, and Wii for decent prices, I thought I would share my thoughts with all of you. This is a great time to collect for those systems, as right now, the bandwagon collectors, and those who follow collecting trends are focused on dumping way too much money on Gamcube games, many of which have superior ports on the Xbox.

I'm really not a hardcore collector, I'll always be a gamer, and even a bargain shopper first. I don't follow the trends, so when one system becomes too expensive, I start picking up games I want for cheaper systems to buy for.

#Wii #PS3 #Xbox360

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