Police Rush To False Reports Instead Of Burglaries?

2 years ago

It took 4 Minutes for a unit, a van & 3 officers to come running to a false report of an aggressive individual refusing to leave . Meanwhile , if you're house is burgaled , you won't get ANY of that sort of attention. If YOU made a report that was false, you'd be in trouble.
Here , representatives from IFF Chemicals make false reports which police ignore & even DEFEND. IFF , who pollute local rivers killing wildlife , &2 dogs, & who's management have authorised ATTACKING any member of public filming near their huge unnessesary poisonous site, according to the security goons in this.clip. And the police endorse that too - I can report from personal experince!

"The government's job now, is to take the public's money & give it to big business" . "The UK people have to stand up for themselves"
To Quote Julian Assange. (now locked up in solitary high security prison Belmarsh for committing no crime. )
Tommy Robinson knows the feeling

Some of the real criminals are operating here from my perspective.
Together with:-

UK Politicians - ALL of them.

Lockheed Martin & arms firms - an estimate of 70% is what arms firms are getting from the money our criminal anglophobic government are sending for far right noe nazi groups in eastern europe to fight a pointless war. That's not 'defense' yet they spend more on that than anything else

Pfizer , Johnson&Johnson , (boris?) & all the pharma's - These 2 criminal firms were in financial trouble before the big C . Not now tho- they're booming.

Oil companies - while bills have trebled (sorry, I just heard the news QUADRUPLED)- so have their profits. Supermarkets are also over charging for gas now....14p a litre as of today!
And as ever...
Royal family. the Saxe Coburg Gotha's renamed themself Windsor , to defraud themselves into privilege & luxury. The government work for them, the police are forced to swear allegiance to it!

They are ALL CRIMINALS.. They call us criminals.
I wish i could explain any of it or why we allow it to happen . They shame us , they should answer.
What i CAN do is show how it translates to our streets. Here, police RUSH to big business (in this case IFF haverhill who make false reports & attack public & are criminals themselves), while not turning up for domestic burglaries cos thats what happened. They'll even lie to endorse the false reports then infer it's ME wasting their time .
check it out.

A plan ? Dissolve monarchy. Fix politics . Free political prisoners including Julian Assange.

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