SAFA First Amendment Friday - Life Defended-Dec. 30, 2022

1 year ago

SAFA First Amendment Friday -
SAFA helps provide life-saving resources to Anna who was coming to ppSouthTexas to get ElectiveAbortion information for her friend, Debra who is newly pregnant. Anna who is a single mom was excited for the information to help Debra keep her baby!

HONKforLIfe & PrayingForLife - First Amendment Friday on the Sidewalk with SAFA - Date - SAFA protects, defends & promotes life in the public square daily and in front of "Planned Parenthood South Texas" every Friday from 12:30 - 1:30 pm.

It seems the #SanAntonio #Police Department might be trying to build a case against SAFA and SAFA Volunteers (to use with the deep state-controlled #FBI as Officers have communicated to SAFA that it has been having meetings with the FBI at the Prue Road Sub-Station about our presence on the #Sidewalk without inviting us.

City Government favoritism of @PlannedParenthoodSouthTexas continues.

Planned Parenthood South Texas at 2140 Babcock remained open for abortion during COVID19 pandemic even though all elective surgeries were banned by Governor Greg Abbott for a time.

Planned Parenthood South Texas at 2140 Babcock is constructing a new cinderblock & corrugated metal wall despite an ordinance by the City of San Antonio that forbids such structures.

ppSouthTexas extremely loud construction noise drowned out the SAFA amplifiers being used by SAFA Volunteers to pray the Gospel/Rosary but SAPD stops the prayer, badgers, collects personal info & files incident reports on each volunteer as having violated the City Noise Ordinance.

71% of the babies killed at Planned Parenthood South Texas at 2140 Babcock are Hispanic.

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