Battle4Freedom (2023) Gifted to Death - Defeating the Entitlement Clause

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Battle4Freedom (2023) Gifted to Death - Defeating the Entitlement Clause


Gifted movie.

McCarthy Press Conference
Detransition: The Wounds That Won't Heal | Chloe Cole | EP 319
Jordan B. Peterson
Penn State professor tells straight students in his sociology class to 'watch gay porn' because ‘we are all at some level nonbinary and very easily bisexual’
Penn State professor Sam Richards aired the challenge to students during a lecture for his entry level sociology class in December - and was met with silence
The awkward exchange came during a discussion billed on Richards' syllabus as 'A Conversation on Trans Issues, TERFS, and The Binary'
Footage of the lesson - which was recorded live and subsequently posted to Richards' YouTube channel - has since stirred up sentiments of outrage
The stream, posted on December 6, has since been made private
Kids pay price for America's growing anti-vaxx movement: Routine vaccine uptake among kindergarteners falls to 10-year low – leaving 250,000 without immunity when they started school
CDC data shows vaccination rates among 4-6 year-olds has dropped 2%
Pandemic has pushed vax rates to lowest since 2013-2014 school year
National rate of MMR vaxxed kindergarteners below herd immunity threshold
'A whole new world': NASA's James Webb discovers its first PLANET just 41 light-years away - and it is a similar size to Earth
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has discovered its first planet
The planet sits just 41 light-years from Earth and is rocky like our planet
The team is unsure what the atmosphere is made of or if it has one
They will obtain additional spectra with upcoming observations this summer
'Let me unconfuse you': Condescending White House press secretary says not telling the public about new classified documents found at Biden's home and garage was 'the right thing to do'
White House press secretary defended Biden on charges of hypocrisy
Biden promised a transparent administration
Attorney general revealed that DoJ was told of more classified files on Dec. 20
White House publicly announced the find on Jan. 12
Whispering Joe returns: Biden leans into microphone to warn he'll VETO Republican bill that would eliminate the IRS - and sarcastically says 'moms' will love GOP bid to introduce a 'national sales tax'
President Joe Biden pledged Thursday to reject House Republicans' tax legislation, should the bills somehow pass the Senate
'Let me be very clear, if any of these bills make it to my desk: I will veto them,' Biden said in a whisper
Biden slammed the GOP for wanting to abolish the IRS, pass a 'national sales tax' and for passing a bill Monday that pulled funding back from the IRS
'Go home and tell your moms. They're going to be real excited about that,' he said of the plan to have a national sales tax
With the Democrats in control of the Senate, nothing tax related passed out of the GOP-led House will likely make it to Biden's desk
House votes to BAN Biden from selling America's emergency oil supplies to China: 113 Democrats join all Republicans to pass legislation - after President sold one million barrels to Beijing owned-firm
All Republicans voted for the bill and 113 Democrats joined them
Biden tapped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) for 200 million barrels of oil after Russia's war on Ukraine sent fuel prices skyrocketing
Democratic Rep. Chrissy Houlahan said the bill doesn't go far enough because it doesn't ban sales to the rest of America's adversaries
Now New York Gov. Kathy Hochul plans to BAN gas stoves in new homes and commercial buildings by the end of the decade - to the fury of residents
Hochul, 64, claimed the stoves contribute to a third of greenhouse gas output
Newly constructed buildings would transition to electric stoves by 2030
Current gas stovetops in buildings and restaurants will be not impacted
Canada's Girl Scouts will drop the name 'Brownie' - for its youngest members - because the term is 'racist'... members who will now be called 'Embers'
The name change was announced on Wednesday by Girls Guide of Canada
The 'Embers' are the seven-and-eight year old girls troupe
There was a nationwide search to find the right name for the branch

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