Daily Chess play - 1293 - Personal Best and hope to keep setting more

1 year ago

First game, Pretty even game until he let me have a pawn for free. I brought my bishop back for defense and was pushing my pawn advantage on the other side. I moved too fast and let his Knight go free for one more turn. With a Bishop up I didn't know what to do right away to finish the game and I ended up running out of time. Sigh... Need to learn more end games.

Second game, Was a quick one and after I take his rook for free, opponent resigns.

Third game, Was pretty even as well and I missed a fork with his Queen and Rook. I forced a Queen trade as I felt pressured on my King. He blunders by not taking my Bishop which I use to block his Rook check. He tries to get aggressive with his rooks but I had everything covered except the center pawn. Opponent tilts and then resigns.

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