#21 Red Pills and Rabbit Holes

1 year ago

Rob is Back to drop some more Red Pills! After the fantastic response to Episode 15 - Marvellous Molecules Miraculous Healing I had to get Rob back in to go further down the alternative healing Rabbit Hole.
We got into the history of Chlorine Dioxide, Graphene Oxide and how to remove it from the body, Bluetooth signals coming from live and dead people, as well as a quick trip into space to talk about Omuamua - if you don't know - you better ask somebody!
If you like a little bit of controversy, a little bit of fringe or a little bit of Tin Foil Hat - it's all here. So Buckle Up Buttercup - 'Cos Kansas... its going bye bye...

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Email whitebasementnft@gmail.com to get a copy of the document Rob discussed

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