Taking Back America's Children (TBAC), Part 1 - the latest "Proclaiming Justice" podcast

2 years ago


The war on antisemitism does not discriminate. Children as young as kindergarten age are being force-fed racist, antisemitic Critical Race Theory (CRT) propaganda in the form of "standard textbook curriculum and instruction." Our duty as people of faith and good conscience is to rise up and combat these evil forces of hatred toward our Jewish brethren. We must teach our children the truth about our Judeo-Christian history.

On this week's podcast, we invite one of our TBAC TN Summit guest speakers Robert Arnakis, Senior Director of Domestic and International Programs for The Leadership Institute, to talk about our upcoming Taking Back America's Children Summit, Sunday, January 29 in Franklin, TN. The goal of the summit is to educate, motivate and activate parents and citizens across America to flip their school boards and take a stand against racist, antisemitic propaganda that is plaguing our school systems.

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