Lark Voorhies | Roll With Me (An AllThingsLark Samples Remix)

1 year ago


As promised, the sample clip.

As you all may know by now, if you've been following my YouTube channel or my IG, I have highlighted several things about Lark Voorhies many may not have known or have forgotten. In essence, I have touched on her multifaceted career as an actor, her activism, her beautiful signing voice, and her athleticism and academic acumen. I have shown that this phenomenally talented sister is not only gifted as an actress but also, well rounded and highly intelligent. That is to say, she has brains and brawn to go with her beauty. And so, with this sample clip, I wanted to delve into and explore more of her signing talents.

I love the funky, soulful sound and smooth vocals Lark laid on "Roll With Me" the first time I heard the song years ago. I thought the song she did was so underrated and deserved much more attention than it got back then, and even now. Because of that fact, I went into my trusted little music laboratory (lol) and came up with the perfect remix of the song. I made it with a little more current, edgier sound and feel to it but keeping to the same funky soulfulness and smoothness. Sort of like an edgy futuristic hip-hop-rock-soul feel.

This clip is just a sample and not the full remix. I would love to know what you guys think. I want to see where things may lead with this. I have also infused and enhanced the original funky sound with a similar updated beat that is slightly different, a little more up tempo, and where the vocals are still in its natural state. If you are interested in hearing the full remixes of both, just let me know. Maybe I will post a poll to get good feedback.

I have also done two remixes of Lark's other song, "Saturday." One of the remixes has a very smooth beat, while the other has a current beat with a little flare (similar to this beat). If you also want to hear them, just hit me up and let me know. I am thinking of making an edit for one of the remixes, depending on which one is favored most. Maybe I will do a short sample clip of both to pick the winning one. I think I will do a poll for this as well.

Hope you guys enjoy.

Artist: Lark Voorhies
Song: Roll with Me The Remix
Vocal Arrangement & Beat: AllThingsLark
Lisa Turtle
Saved by the Bell
Sauvés par le gong
Salvado Por La Campana
In the House
Soul Train
The Keenen Ivory Wayne Show
What About You Friends
How to be a Player
Fire & Ice
How High
Civil Brand
The Next Hit
On Bended Knees
Somethin' 4 Da Honeyz
Not Too Busy
These are the Times

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