2(B) Or Not 2(B) | Pierre Poilievre

2 years ago

2(B) Or Not 2(B) | Pierre Poilievre
Free speech isn't free unless people are allowed to disagree.
Pierre reflects on the situation regarding the social media communication re-training of Jordan B. Peterson. Section 2(B), the Canadian Charter For Rights And Freedom states that anybody has the right to express their opinions. So what will it be, 2(B) or not to 2(B)?

It has been some time since I posted a video.. This was for some personal reasons and therefore I decided to take a break. And it has been a very positive period. I am now in the so called Monk Mode, this is helping me enormously! I am not yet there where I want to be but the progress is satisfying!

One the things I wanted to do is make politically oriented design, so.. I've started to make Political Incorrectness Originals Digital Designs. ( Because YouTube does not allow my channel to make ad revenue..)
From now on, with every video I upload, I will make a design to go along with that subject.
Please check out my 2(B) or not 2(B) on this subject, in my Etsy Shop: https://etsy.me/3QBy984

2(B) or not 2(B),pierre poilievre,canada,jordanpeterson,jordan peterson pierre poilievre,canada section2b,section 2b,charter for rights and freedom,canadian politics,freedom of speech pierre,freedom of speech jordan peterson,pierre poilievre section 2b,to be or not to be pierre poilievre

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