Memesplanation Short 34

2 years ago

How attuned to this world are you? How aware of heaven are you? These, according to St. Isaac, are mutually exclusive. This comports well with how Jesus and Paul explained things as well, I am reminded of The Parable of the Sower, and how easily the ones who are too wrapped up in or full of the lust of the eyes and the pride of life fall away, kind of like Andrew Tate. Yes, I went there. He defected to Islam recently, because he was too full of himself to need the Lord at all. Too full of his Lambos and Bugattis, too full of the young people he was scamming to notice that he was slipping away from the Lord until Islam, with its very male-centric way of life was irresistible for him. Paul also talked about this in 1 Corinthians, when he encouraged them to stay single so that they could be more concerned with the Kingdom than the needs of their spouses or families.

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