What’s the impact of shaming your children?

2 years ago

Complex Borderline Personality Disorder: How Coexisting Conditions Affect Your BPD and How You Can Gain Emotional Balance. Available at:

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Are you considering shaming your children as a way to "help" them? If so, you may want to think again.

Shaming your children is not only ineffective, it can actually be harmful. In this video, Dr. Daniel Fox discusses shame-based parenting and the negative effects it can have on a child's development. Dr. Fox discusses the importance of building positive relationships with our children and offers a constructive alternative to shaming as a way to discipline them.

Many parents use shame as a means of controlling their child. Many parents don't realize that this can create a child/adult that is afraid of the world and who lacks confidence. Shame is often used to get children to decrease inappropriate behavior through negative thoughts and feelings about themselves. It often includes comment at the child or about the child and who they are and "what they're like". Shaming the child creates a negative image about themselves instead of curtailing their behaviors.

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