Why "They" Always Win & "You" Always Lose - Epi-3229

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All links, resources, source material and the audio of this podcast can be found at https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/why-you-lose about one hour after the live version of this video is over.

Do you think billionaires "cheat on their taxes"? Do you think if we "taxed the rich" anything would change? Do you think you'd be more successful if we "changed the system"? Do you think anyone will ever fix "our problems" for us?

If so you are in for a world of fire and brimstone today!

Yummy Links as Promised in the Video

Paul Wheatons Homestead Bundle - https://bit.ly/wheaton-tsp-1

Join me and John Bush at The Greater Reset 4 in Bastrop Texas - https://bit.ly/greater-4

Red Neck Duck Farmer Large Front Design T-shirts - https://tspswag.com/products/t138
Red Neck Duck Farmer Small Front-Large Back Design T-Shirts - https://tspswag.com/products/t137

Get the Fold Card of you Hate Money - https://bit.ly/dont-hate-money (get 5,000 free sats when you sign up)

All my Bitcoin tools in one place - https://bit.ly/my-btc-tools

Get your TSP Swag - https://tspswag.com/

You can always support my work just do your online shopping starting at http://tspaz.com

Subscribe to my podcasts on Fountain and participate in Value for Value - https://fountain.fm/jackspirko?code=8fc0cf31f9

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⚡️jackspirko@getalby.com for V4V (don’t send email there it won’t work)

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