The 7 Types of Dog Breeds.

2 years ago

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Today I will talk about The 7 Types of Dog Breeds.

The AKC's dog breed categories have diverse roles and characteristics.

While every dog is unique and has its own personality,

appearance, and preferences, it also falls under its breed category as designated by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

These distinctions are most clear when referring to purebred dogs,
but mixed dogs with an ancestry limited to just two or three breeds may also have appearances and personalities that closely align with one particular group.

The seven types of dog breeds,
or breed groups,
are based on the "jobs" that the dog breeds originally held,

such as herding, sporting, hounds (bred for use in chasing down prey),
or toy dogs, which are small breeds often referred to as lap dogs.

In many official AKC dog shows,
including the National Championship, dogs compete first within their specific breed for best of breed,

and then within their breed group for best of the group—for example,
Best Hound, Best Terrier, Best Working Dog, etc—

and then the seven dogs winning best of their groups compete against each other for the coveted title of Best in Show.

With more than 190 dog breeds and varieties registered with the American Kennel Club, the various breed groups have grown quite large,
and include a diverse range of canines.

Still, all breeds within a group are related in terms of their original "purpose,"
even if their appearances are very different.

Here are the seven types of dog breeds,
their histories,
and what pet owners can expect when taking one of these four-legged friends home.

While your dog is of course an individual,
you can get a feel for what its personality and appearance will be like as an adult by referring to the characteristics of its specific breed as well as breed group.

A quick note about training.

While dogs do have breed tendencies, all will require positive training to help them reach their full potential and to fit most happily into any home.

Sporting Group.

Dogs in the Sporting Group were bred to be a hunter’s best sidekick;
their purpose is to assist with finding, flushing, catching, or retrieving feathered games such as pheasants or ducks.

Human hunters rely on these canines' help with retrieving upland game birds or waterfowl.

There are four basic types of sporting dogs: spaniels, pointers, retrievers, and setters.

Some of the breeds in this group,
such as retrievers, are especially adept at swimming and specialize in waterfowl like ducks,
while setters, spaniels, and pointing breeds are known experts in hunting quail,
pheasant, and other game birds in the grasslands.

While these breeds may be known for performing multiple tasks to aid the hunter, each has its own specialty.

Typically, pointers and setters identify and mark game by "pointing,"
which means striking a distinctive pose with the body held still, one front paw raised, and the snout pointing in the direction of the bird being hunted.

Spaniel breeds typically flush game, which means to find the birds and frighten them into lifting off in flight,
which allows the hunter to them take aim and fire.

Retrievers are breeds used to recover dead and wounded games, especially from the water.

All of the Sporting Group dogs are characterized by their naturally active and alert personalities, stable temperaments,
as well as their hunting instincts both in the water and out in the woods.

Sporting dogs make lovable, well-rounded pets, and are the perfect addition to active families,
as these energetic, alert dogs will require plenty of exercise and time spent outdoors.
Some of the most popular sporting dog breeds include Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers,
German shorthaired pointers, and the Irish setter, but there are many other breeds in this group.

Here are some examples of breeds in this group:

Golden retriever.

Labrador retriever.

American Cocker Spaniel.


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