Rescue the Fosters w/ James Roger Brown

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Called by some, "The most dangerous mind in North America". Roger's general field is Sociology of Knowledge with specializations in the sociology of intelligence operations, cultural reality models, and how cultures define and relate to the spiritual world. Roger has tested Joseph Campbell's conclusion that the spiritual traditions of all cultures are attempts to describe the same spiritual world by determining if what they identify as teachable and learnable spiritual skills can be learned.
In the intelligence field Roger has developed the most advanced methodology that currently exists. Responding to requests to address various intelligence system inadequacies identified by WWII intelligence professionals interviewed for his Masters Thesis on WWII international intelligence operations James Roger Brown developed the following:

1. A theory which allows social processes to be described mathematically using neural structures as the unit of analysis that can be applied to any species with a central nervous system;

2. Reverse engineered the intelligence collection and analysis system and a key technical specification of the ET species conducting the catch and release human abductions; and

3. Contradictory hypotheses testing protocols, with a near zero error rate, for intelligence analysis and criminal investigation evidence analysis as a more reliable alternative to the inherently high error rate contrary hypothesis testing currently used by all law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

In a joint effort with former NSA Security Specialist William “Bill” Pawelec (watch his Youtube disclosure video), prior to his death, unsuccessfully attempted to have a nondestructive neural scanning prototype built through a government program that constructed new technology prototypes for businesses. In 2004 Roger compiled for California Congressman Joe Baca the Congressional Evidence Book “Compendium of Documentation of Organized Crime Methods and Procedures Integrated into State and Federal Agencies for the Purpose of Political and Economic Exploitation of Children and Families Through State and Federal Child Protection, Mental Health, and Social Work Systems.”


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