January 12, 2023

2 years ago

When William Branham died, and his predictions that required him to be alive for their fulfillment died with him, leaders in the “Message” cult began spreading rumors that Branham would rise from the grave to fulfill that which had failed. Televangelist T. L. Osborn, who had been a business partner from the early beginning of the Latter Rain / Voice of Healing, assisted with the strategy. When Osborn preached Branham’s funeral, he stated (quote) that God “stepped down and sent a little man, a prophet, but more than a prophet this time, a Jesus-man”

To prevent the cult from fully imploding, leaders in the “Message” reminded cult followers that Branham had prophesied that he would hold one last tent revival, as predicted in his “Tent Vision”. Several revivals, books, and pamphlets were created to redirect focus from the death to the resurrection of Branham.

Leaders participating in this strategy walked readers and listeners through each and every one of William Branham’s sermons in which Branham described the prophecy, “Thus Saith the Lord”, that he would bring back the tent revival days with a massive faith healing campaign.

Simply stated, cult leaders redirected focus from the resurrection of Jesus Christ to the resurrection of William Branham.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org.

Resurrection of Branham:

Tent Prophecy:

Tent Prophecy Pamphlet:

T. L. Osborne:

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