Help I'm stuck in the weeds

2 years ago

Whats up #POPPABEARCREW #instagramfamily❤️ #greenthumbgrowbears all over and of course the #ogfam , WHAT'S UP!

In tonight's live I take things back to basics and answer one of the biggest questions I hear from you guys on both my accounts ( @poppa_bear_does 👈🐻👍 if your not already following me there too).

"I wanna grow setup on a budget, Im lost what do you suggest and where should I start?"

Well why not sit back with a cup of coffee (or I tonight's case smore tea) and grab yourself a sheet of paper and a pen, let's get started.

As always,
PoppaBear 🤘 🐻 🤙

P.S. don't forget to check out my links

@green.rush.nutrients (👈🐻organic nute sponsor check them out great people)
@sts_spray (👈🐻 sts spray project sponsor for diy f beans)

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