WARNING GIVEN YEARS BACK Ignored by most ex Pfizer Mike Yeadon explains

2 years ago

WARNING GIVEN YEARS BACK Ignored by most ex Pfizer Mike Yeadon explains

In this video we have Mike Yeadon ex Pfizer explain the dangers we are in, we then go back to the warnings given we have covered before which all point to the same along with a further information of who they are behind the top Puppets who slowly and surely ALL work to destroy Humanity and the earth in this slow careful takeover method now in operation, so sit back and learn even more as we explain some more knowledge. Within is a extract from the GREAT Must Watch Film "THEY LIVE" simply as its come to fruition as it was indeed a warning and hint to whats going on even in them days.. MANY FILMS ON THE WEBSITE INCLUDING "THEY LIVE" www.SlavePlanet.net

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