Noita Gameplay - Daily run - Good start - Rewards: Lukki Minion and Teleportitis

1 year ago

Ok, I lasted longer this time so that's mission complete. Confirmed how to refill a flask. Tried to farm more gold but unfortunately nothing good to buy at the first shop. Lucky to come across a shiny orb which gives gold when you kick it but be careful of the bomb. Lukki minion seemed pretty good reward; very mobile assassin. Looked over the wand options in more detail; learned a bit more. Now this is where I get myself in trouble, I had the option and I took the Teleportitis upgrade which gives you 20% damage reduction but it teleports you when you get hit which can be good... Well I get bounced around and sniped to death haha. I swear I didn't even get a chance to react to the last head shot. I don't think I will be taking that upgrade anytime soon. Thanks for watching. Please like and subscribe.

#indiegame #indiegames #noita #roguelike #roguelite #sidescroller #sidescrolling #gameplay #permadeath #daily #whatcouldgowrong #orb #sniped

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