1-10-23 BOS Meeting Public Comment Part 1

1 year ago

Board of supervisors of Butte County continues to ignore the urgent please of its own citizens. For more than two years, they have been getting informed by concerned members of our community about the dangers of Covid vaccines, and the high injury, infertility, disease, and mortality rate associated with them. But they refuse to listen. Shameless!!! One day they will have to answer to a tribunal for crimes against humanity when asked “what did they know and when did they know it?”

Dr. David E. Martin:

Executive Summary for Litigation of PLANDEMIC Crimes
This summary is a brief review of the felonious actions of a criminal organization and its flagrant attempt to extort and obtain control over the global population. It has sought to do so by creating patented bioweapons marketed as novel viruses and immunizations. The facts detailed in this Executive Summary are part of the public record and are identified herein as primary source material.

The purpose is to is solve the protective anonymity of the parties involved, expose who they are, and detail the specific crimes they have committed for commercial gain and political power. We intend to prosecute these participants for those crimes, to obtain justice, and to achieve monetary relief for the millions who have been injured and who have died at their hands.

This incalculable injustice is the result of the criminal malfeasance of the individuals and organizations who forced the implementation of their experiment-in-a-syringe upon the world. We stand for, protect, and defend humanity … you our brothers and sisters, fellow citizens of this earth.

The forensic path and recorded documentary history detailed here was never about public health. Rather, it was, and has always been, an organized crime racket to coerce the public’s adoption of a novel technology that has NEVER been shown to be safe or effective under the definitions of the FDA, the Federal Trade Commission’s Deceptive Medical Practices standard, or under any other statutory criteria.

It is long past time to hold the criminals accountable for the following crimes:

Domestic and International Terrorism
Deceptive Medical Practices
Reckless Endangerment and Homicide
Racketeering and Anti-trust collusion
From preventgenocide2030.org — Mr. James Roguski:

Sept 16, 2022 Video Address to the World Health Organization
The first step to addressing future pandemics on an international basis would be to acknowledge the ongoing attempted genocide of the human population that is happening right now under the guise of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as directed by the World Health Organization.

The experimental and toxic gene therapy injections that have been masquerading as COVID-19 vaccines are causing a slaughter of epic proportions unlike anything the world has ever seen.

The WHO, its 194 member nations and its nearly 400 relevant stakeholders are either blind to this catastrophe or they are complicit in its cover-up.

The first step to dealing with this genocide on an international basis is for police agencies around the world to immediately seize the assets, records, factories and stockpiles of all of the corporations, organizations and government agencies that are involved.

We do not need a pandemic treaty and we do not need amendments to the IHR.

We need to rid the world of those who profit from pandemics.

We need arrests, trials and punishment of the criminals involved in this enormous racketeering scheme.

We need to stop the shots.

We need to stop the slaughter.

We need to abolish the World Health Organization

“The World Health Organization (WHO) negotiations regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) would, if accepted, threaten U.S. and personal sovereignty. These IHR amendments DO NOT require a vote by Congress.”

“The worst IHR amendments were proposed by the U.S.. The Biden Administration’s proposed amendments to the WHO’s secret IHR negotiation process are a direct threat to the sovereignty of the U.S. and personal freedoms of WE, the People. For example, the proposed IHR amendments remove these words from Article 3: ‘with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedom of persons’. U.S. participation in the proposed Pandemic Treaty negotiations would further undermine our sovereignty.”

“It is imperative for you to lead an effort to #ExitTheWHO by supporting H.R. 7931, the WHO Withdrawal Act (https://www.Congress.gov/bill/117thcongress/house-bill/7931). I look to you to lead the effort to exit both the WHO and UN and stop this blatant power grab.”

“The IHR and Pandemic Treaty negotiations could produce two ‘legally binding’ documents which give the WHO virtually unlimited powers, authority and resources at the expense of our national and personal sovereignty and autonomy. The solution is to #ExitTheWHO.”

“Once the U.S. leaves the WHO and the UN, the IHR and Pandemic Treaty would no longer apply to the U.S.”

“I urge you to exert your authority and position to end our participation in the IHR and the Pandemic Treaty negotiations. Both are focused on dissolving national sovereignty and replacing it with a global medical and financial dictatorship (see Agenda 2030, ‘One Health’ and ‘The Great Reset’). WHO’s Secretary General may be permitted to become a Dictator General, leaving the U.S. without sovereign authority and We, the People, fighting to protect our unalienable right to privacy regarding our health and medical choices.”

“You have taken an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution and the country from enemies foreign and domestic. U.S. participation in WHO’s IHR and Pandemic Treaty negotiations, along with its continued membership in WHO and the UN work directly against U.S. interests. You must make every effort to end these negotiations and exit these organizations to prevent this unacceptable POWER GRAB.”

“I urge you to halt the attempted WHO coup: ——

-Direct Secretary of State Blinking to cancel these and related negotiations in order to end U.S. participation in them

- This will effectively rescind the proposed U.S. IHR amendments-“

Please join me in Catherine Austin Fitts’ Prayer for Freedom:

In The Midst of Darkness Light Prevails

We are FREE by Devine authority.

Our prayers go out especially for those among us who are promoting, justifying, implementing, and financing mass murder and mass atrocity. If you were a doctor, policeman, military officer, government official, nurse, banker, tax collector, venture capitalist, whatever your profession, if you are helping to criminally steal the lives, health, property, and assets of others or profiting richly from it, I pray that your heart will be so filled with the love of your fellow men and the love of freedom, that you will simply stop.

Choose freedom so the tyranny cannot and will not stand. May your light arise and break through the darkness today and throughout the time we have left. AMEN



Executive Summary
for Litigation of PLANDEMIC Crimes | Dr. David E. Martin
This Executive Summary provides a brief review of the felonious actions of a criminal organization and its flagrant attempt to extort and obtain control over the global population. It has sought to do so by creating patented bioweapons marketed as novel viruses and immunizations ... immunizations hailed as health security for the world in the 21st century – titled by them as “The Century of the Vaccine.” The facts detailed in this Executive Summary are part of the public record and are identified herein as primary source material.
The purpose of providing the chronological timeline of events, supporting documents, and individual and corporate participants involved in this criminal syndicate is to dissolve the protective anonymity of the parties involved, expose who they are, and detail the specific crimes they have committed for commercial gain and political power.
Why? We intend to prosecute them for those crimes, to obtain justice, and to achieve monetary relief for the millions who have been injured and who have died at their hands. This incalculable injustice is the result of the criminal malfeasance of the individuals and organizations who forced the implementation of their experiment-in-a-syringe upon the world. We stand for, protect, and defend humanity ... you our brothers and sisters, fellow citizens of this earth.
All monies obtained pursuant to such prosecutions will be distributed to those who have suffered any injury from the commission of these crimes.
Any monies contributed to support these efforts are used exclusively for the purpose of pursuing the investigations and prosecutions of the perpetrators and providing justice and relief to the injured.
Our immediate objective is to organize and amplify your individual voice and the collective citizen voices in the ears of our elected state officials for the singular purpose of demanding and obtaining the appointment of special prosecutors to initiate and pursue criminal proceedings against the perpetrators.

Time and place:
Event: Purpose: Actors:
ACT I, Scene I
Spring 2005, United Nations (UN) (World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Geneva, Switzerland
Global Immunization Vision and Strategy 2006-2015 (GIVS) Meeting Launch GIVS 2006-2015.1
Lee-Jong Wook, Director-General WHO (representing member states of WHO and World Health Assembly (WHA)); Ann N. Veneman, Executive Director, UNICEF (representing its Executive Board);2 WHO and UNICEF, who jointly drafted a global immunization vision and strategy for the years 2006–2015;3 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)4 and its financing arm, The Vaccine Fund
“[We, the WHO]/UNICEF] launch the first 10-year strategic framework to realize the potential of immunization....5
1 Global Immunization Vision and Strategy 2006-2015, published, printed October 2005, https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/69146/WHO_IVB_05.05.pdf;sequence=1.
2 Id. p.3. For membership of the UNICEF Executive Board from 1946 -2021, see www.unicef.org/executiveboard/media/6626/file/2021-EB_Composition-EN-2021.07.29.pdf.
3 Id. Executive Summary, p. 6.
4 GAVI headquarters are located in Washington DC, USA; Geneva, Switzerland. “GAVI was launched in 2000 to fund the procurement and delivery of vaccines for the world's poorest countries. GAVI was established by a Meeting of the Proto-Board in Seattle on 12 July 1999 (See Decision GAVI/99.01) as an alliance of public and private sector organizations, institutions and governments, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF, the World Bank, WHO, vaccine manufacturers, NGOs and research and technical health institutes. In 2008, the GAVI Alliance, the GAVI Fund (a non-profit organization based in the United States) and the GAVI Foundation were reorganized under the GAVI Alliance brand, using the GAVI Foundation’s legal platform. The legal entity, The GAVI Alliance, is a Foundation under Swiss law with international institution status and has Public Charity status in the United States.” https://www.who.int/phi/documents/gavi_alliance.pdf?ua=1. “The GAVI Alliance Board is the supreme governing body. It comprises: four permanent members, WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; GAVI Alliance CEO (non-voting); nine independent individuals; and representative seats from developing (5) and industrialized (5) governments; vaccine industries in developing (1) and industrialized (1) countries; research and technical institutes (1); and civil society organizations (1).” Id.
5 Draft Global Vaccine Action Plan, p.1 para. 2, Microsoft Word - A65_22-en.docx (who.int); see also 2; World Health Organization. Draft global immunization strategy [WHA 58.15, agenda item 13.8]. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2005. See United Nations Children's Fund. UNICEF Executive Board Decision 2005/7. UNICEF/WHO Global immunization vision and strategy. New York, NY: United Nations Children's Fund; 2005. Available at http://www.unicef.org/about/execboard/files/2005-7_UNICEF_WHO.pdf

“The realization of this vision of immunization will need strengthened surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, and the application of solid data for programme management.... Immunization remains an unfinished agenda....6
“In today’s increasingly interdependent world, acting together against vaccine-preventable diseases of public health importance and preparing for the possible emergence of diseases with pandemic potential will contribute significantly to improving global health and security.7
“Governments, WHO, UNICEF, vaccine manufacturers and research institutes are currently involved in efforts to support the development of national preparedness plans and to expand capacity for production of influenza vaccine worldwide, including work on the development of a new vaccine against virus strains with pandemic potential.”8 (Emphasis added.)
6 Global Immunization Vision and Strategy 2006-2015, Executive Summary, p. 6, https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/69146/WHO_IVB_05.05.pdf;sequence=1. GIVS 2006-2015 uses the term “surveillance” 84 times in its program document. Policies and strategies regarding all immunization matters become the province of the WHO: “The choice of policies, strategies and practice is informed by data from operational research, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, disease burden and impact assessments, and economic analyses, and by the sharing of lessons and experiences from countries in similar circumstances. Id. at 16.
7 Id. at 17.
8 Id at 24.

Time and Place: Event:
Actors: Statements:
ACT I, Scene II
2006, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
MIT Library, Compilation of Technical Reports in Support of Sloan
Foundation Study on DNA synthesis and governance options.9
Working Papers for Synthetic Genomics: Risks and Benefits for Science and Society.10 Dr. Ralph Baric presented the malleability of coronavirus as a biological warfare agent and inducing the non-competitive market allocation for years to follow,11 violating 18 USC § 175 (regarding prohibitions of biological weapons)12 and 15 USC § 8 (regarding illegal Trusts in restraint of import trade).13
Ralph Baric, MIT, Sloan Foundation
“[V]iruses of humans, animals and plants . . . are ...potential weapons of mass disruption to human populations, critical plant and animal food sources, and national economies.... Biological warfare (BW) agents are microorganisms or toxins that are intended to kill, injure or incapacitate the enemy, elicit fear and devastate national economies.... This report discusses the potential use of recombinant and synthetic14 DNAs to resurrect recombinant BW viruses de novo and the potential for altering the pathogenic properties of viruses for nefarious purposes.15
“[D]efined infectious sequences are documented and methods have been reported in the literature. Infectious genomes of many Class IV viruses
9 https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/39141.
10 https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/39658
11 Dr. Baric and the U.S. Department of Defense spent over $45 million in amplifying the toxicity of CoV and its chimeric derivatives. For NIH grants to Baric, 1991 – 2021, see https://grantome.com/search?q=baric.
12 See infra, fn 54.
13 See infra, fn 53.
14 “Giving an unequivocal definition of synthetic biology is challenging, even for the various actors in the field.
and synthetic biology applications between hopes and concerns.” Current genomics vol. 14,1 (2013): 11-24. doi:10.2174/1389202911314010003; www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3580775/.
15 Baric RS. 2006, Univ. North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Synthetic Viral Genomics. In: Working Papers for Synthetic Genomics: Risks and Benefits for Science and Society, pp. 35-81. Garfinkel MS, Endy D, Epstein GL, Friedman RM, editors. 2007, p. 36. https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/39652/Baric%20Synthetic%20Viral%20Genomics.pdf.
Rather than constituting a strictly defined field, synthetic biology may be best described as an engineering-related
approach to rationally design and construct biological compounds, functions and organisms not found in nature, or to
redesign existing biological parts and systems to carry out new functions.” König, Harald et al. “Synthetic genomics

[including coronavirus] could be purchased and the need for trained staff becomes minimized. Today, ... a coronavirus genome [could be purchased] for less than $40,000.... [I]t is conceivable that technical advances over the next decade may even render large viral genomes commercially available for use by legitimate researchers, but perhaps also by bioterrorists. 16,17
“[U]sing the expanding database of genomic sequences and identified virulence genes, the benign viral genome could be modified into more lethal combinations for nefarious use.18 (Emphasis added.)
“Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence Novel zoonotic,
bat-origin CoVs are a significant threat to global health and food security.
In a previous R01 we found that bats in southern China harbor an
extraordinary diversity of SARSr-CoVs [sic], some of which can use
human ACE2 to enter cells, infect humanized mouse models causing
SARS-like illness, and evade available therapies or vaccines....at one site
diverse SARSr-CoVs [sic] exist that contain every genetic element of the
SARS-CoV genome, and identified serological evidence of human exposure
among people living nearby.”19
(Emphasis added.)
16 Id. at 62. https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/39652/Baric%20Synthetic%20Viral%20Genomics.pdf; see also infra fn. 15 regarding the use of synthetic, chimeric organisms in bioterrorism activities.
17 See infra, fn. 25, Peter Daszak, video clip regarding engineering spike protein to create “real killers” from coronavirus.
18 Id. at 66. Baric’s research history with coronavirus and synthetic chimeric creations is storied. For example, see
Yount B, Roberts RS, Lindesmith L, Baric RS., Rewiring the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-
CoV) transcription circuit: engineering a recombination-resistant genome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Aug
15;103(33):12546-51. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0605438103. Epub 2006 Aug 4. PMID: 16891412; PMCID: PMC1531645. The
abstract of the article reads as follows: “Live virus vaccines provide significant protection against many detrimental
human and animal diseases, but reversion to virulence by mutation and recombination has reduced appeal. Using
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus as a model, we engineered a different transcription regulatory circuit
and isolated recombinant viruses. The transcription network allowed for efficient expression of the viral transcripts
and proteins, and the recombinant viruses replicated to WT levels. Recombinant genomes were then constructed that
contained mixtures of the WT and mutant regulatory circuits, reflecting recombinant viruses that might occur in
nature. Although viable viruses could readily be isolated from WT and recombinant genomes containing
homogeneous transcription circuits, chimeras that contained mixed regulatory networks were invariantly lethal,
because viable chimeric viruses were not isolated. Mechanistically, mixed regulatory circuits promoted inefficient
subgenomic transcription from inappropriate start sites, resulting in truncated ORFs and effectively minimize viral
structural protein expression. Engineering regulatory transcription circuits of intercommunicating alleles successfully
introduces genetic traps into a viral genome that are lethal in RNA recombinant progeny viruses. See also, Becker M
M, Graham R L, Donaldson E F, Rockx B, Sims A C, Sheahan T, Pickles R J, Corti D, Johnston R E, Baric R S,
Denison M R., Synthetic recombinant bat SARS-like coronavirus is infectious in cultured cells and in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2008;105:19944–19949.
19 https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-AI110964-06; see also
doi:10.2174/1389202911314010003. “The generation of chimeric antigens exemplifies a relatively straightforward
König, Harald et al. “Synthetic genomics and
synthetic biology applications between hopes and concerns.” Current genomics vol. 14,1 (2013): 11-24.
approach to construct novel diagnosis tools for pathogens (e.g. Lyme disease) involving DNA-synthesis. Rather
complex DNA-synthesis and genome-assembly techniques have been used to generate entire viral genomes and to
address the etiology and pathogenicity mechanisms of corresponding viruses, including the viruses that caused the

In 2005, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research and Engineering (MITRE) hosted a conference in which the intentions of the U.S. Department of Defense were explicit regarding the use of Baric’s chimeric research.20
1918 influenza pandemic or that are responsible for SARS. Similarly, such synthetic genomics technology can be
exploited to introduce hundreds of base-pair changes in codon pairs in order to produce live attenuated viral vaccines
by means of computer-aided rational design.... Though much biotechnology knowledge and expertise has likely
already proliferated globally, recent studies into various assessments on bioscience research and bioterrorism suggest
that the attractiveness and feasibility of “synthetic” solutions for bioterrorist use may have to be reconsidered,
especially when compared to available “low-tech” solutions. Still recent experiments, involving directed evolution and
genetic-engineering, into the airborne transmission of the deadly bird-flu virus H5N1 in ferrets (a model to study
influenza transmission in humans) have revigorated debates about conditions for publication of biosecurity-sensitive
data. (ii) As regards the other threat that is more specifically linked to the onset of synthetic biology, it may become
more difficult, or even impossible, to assess the risks of extensively genetically modified or (putative) entirely
“synthetic” future organisms, based on similarities with donor and recipient organisms. This issue may become more
significant as the areas of synthetic genomics and synthetic biology progress and it remains to be seen whether
synthetic biology-derived containment strategies (including xenobiotic mechanisms) can contribute to solve biosafety
issues in future. Risk assessment may thus need to shift from prediction-based assessment to (more) real testing.”
(Citations omitted.)
mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2008;105:19944–19949 at p. 59.
Becker M M, Graham R L, Donaldson E F, Rockx B, Sims A C, Sheahan T, Pickles R J, Corti D, Johnston R E,
Baric R S, Denison M R., Synthetic recombinant bat SARS-like coronavirus is infectious in cultured cells and in

Time and place: Event:
Actor: Statements:
ACT I, Scene III
4 May 2009, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
WHO, one month before declaring the H1N1 influenza outbreak a pandemic, changed its definition of the term “Pandemic” on its website, altering the definition from a 6-year use
WHO broadens the definition of the term “pandemic” to apply to any virus to which humans have no immunity, regardless of any other metric
“Since 2003, the top of the WHO Pandemic Preparedness homepage has contained the following statement: ‘An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.’ However, on 4 May 2009, scarcely one month before the H1N1 pandemic was declared, the web page was altered in response to a query from a CNN reporter. The phrase ‘enormous numbers of deaths and illness had been removed and the revised web page simply read as follows: “An influenza pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity.” Months later, the Council of Europe would cite this alteration as evidence that WHO changed its definition of pandemic influenza to enable it to declare a pandemic without having to demonstrate the intensity of the disease caused by the H1N1 virus.21
“[C]oncern over ties between WHO advisers and industry fuelled [sic] suspicion about the independence and appropriateness of the decisions made at the national and international levels.
“Central to this debate has been the question of whether H1N1 influenza should have been labelled a ‘pandemic’ at all. The Council of Europe voiced serious concerns that the declaration of a pandemic became possible only after WHO changed its definition of pandemic influenza.”22 (Citations omitted.) (Emphasis added.)
21 The elusive definition of pandemic influenza, Peter Doshi, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, p. 532; Bull World Health Organ 2011;89:532–538 | doi:10.2471/BLT.11.086173.
22 Id.

Time and place: Event:
Actors: Statement:
ACT II, Scene I
May 2011, WHO, World Health Assembly (WHA), and UN, Geneva, Switzerland
64th WHA23
Work begins on draft of draft global vaccine action plan,24 builds on the success of the Global Immunization Vision and Strategy, 2006–2015, adopt and implement the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework, including improving and strengthening the WHO global influenza surveillance and response system (“WHO GISRS”),25 Launch Decade of Vaccines 2011-2020 (DOV)
“Immunization is, and should be recognized as, a core component of the human right to health and an individual, community and governmental responsibility. . .. Governments and elected officials are responsible for putting in place necessary legislation and budget allocations.”26 (Emphasis added.)
23 Microsoft Word - A64_R1_COV+PRELIMS-en.docx (who.int)
24 https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA65/A65_22-en.pdf. See fn 1, “See documents A64/14 and WHA64/2011/REC/2, summary records of the sixth meeting, section 2, the seventh meeting and the eighth meeting, section 2.”
25 Id. at Annex 2, p. 76.
26 Draft Global Vaccine Action Plan, paras. 3 and 35. https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA65/A65_22- en.pdf.

Time and place: Event:
Purpose: Actors: Statement:
ACT II, Scene II
May 11, 2012, New York
65th WHA
Review and Adoption of the Draft Global Vaccination Plan WHO, WHA, UNICEF, UN, and others
“The last century was . . . the century of treatment. . .. This century promises to be the century of vaccines. . .. Ensuring that the vision for the Decade of Vaccines becomes a reality is a powerful step in that direction.27
“Now is the time for showing commitment to achieving the full potential of immunization. The collective recognition of this opportunity has led the global health community to call for a Decade of Vaccines, in line with the requests made in resolution WHA61.15 on the global immunization strategy.
“The vision for the Decade of Vaccines (2011–2020) is of a world in which all individuals and communities enjoy lives free from vaccine-preventable diseases. The mission of the Decade of Vaccines is to extend, by 2020 and beyond, the full benefit of immunization to all people, regardless of where they are born, who they are or where they live.”28 (Emphasis added.)
27 Id. para. 6.
28 Id. at para. 4.

Time and place: Event:
ACT III, Scene I
March 27, 2015, Washington D.C.
Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events
Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance29 “
(Emphasis added.)
Purpose: Lament the world’s reluctance to adopt the “Century of the Vaccine Plan” and Legislatively Enforceable Immunizations
Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real,
present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To
sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase
public understanding of the need for MCMs (medical countermeasures)
such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the
media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to
sour advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see
profit at the end of process,’ Daszak stated.”30
29 Developing MCMs for Coronaviruses - Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov).
30 Id.

Time and place: The event: Purpose: Actors: Statement:
February 23, 2016, New York, NY
New York Academy of Medicine
Describing the creation of chimeric coronavirus Peter Daszak, President EcoHealth Alliance
“Some of these viruses will be killers, some of them won’t. How we work that out from a viral sequence is not straightforward. So, as an example, first of all, we are only looking at viral families that include those that have gone into people from animals. So, now we narrowed it down straight- away. Then, when you get a sequence of the virus, and it looks like a relative of the known nasty pathogen, just like we did SARS – we found other coronaviruses in bats – a whole host of them. Some of them looked very similar to SARS. So, we sequenced the spike protein, the protein that attaches to cells. Then we, well I didn’t do this work but my colleagues in China did the work, you create pseudo-particles, you insert spike proteins from those viruses, see if it binds to human cells. Each step of this, you move closer and closer to this virus that could really become pathogenic in people. So, you narrow down the field. You reduce cost and end up with a small number of viruses that really do look like killers.”31 (Emphasis added.)
31 https:// www.c-span.org/video/?c4966587/user-clip-peter-daszak-describes-colleagues-china-manipulating-viruses.

Time and place: The event:
The Statement:
January 17, 2017, Georgetown University
Pandemic Preparedness in the Next US Presidential Administration
Dr. Anthony Fauci
No matter what, history has told us definitively that [outbreaks] will happen. It is a
perpetual challenge. It is not going to go away. The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to see this in the next few years.”32 (Emphasis added.)
Purpose: Create demand for vaccines. DOV is off track, need additional push to
market and sell the “Century of Vaccines” Plan to the global public.
“If there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my
experience, it is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to
the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases. . ..
32 Global Health Experts Advise Advance Planning for Inevitable Pandemic | Georgetown University Medical Center | Georgetown University.

Time and place: The Event:
The Purpose: The Actors:
The Statement:
ACT IV, Scene I
October 18, 2019, New York, NY
Event 201
Simulate a global pandemic using a coronavirus33
Open Philanthropy (Facebook’s Dustin Moskovitz), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and Johns Hopkins University, et. al.34
“For the scenario, we modeled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction. Instead, the exercise served to highlight preparedness and response challenges that would likely arise in a very severe pandemic.”35 (Emphasis added.)
33 Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness efforts (centerforhealthsecurity.org); https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/.
34 Id.
35 Statement about nCoV and our pandemic exercise (centerforhealthsecurity.org)

Time and Place: The Event:
The Purpose: The Actor:
The Statements:
ACT IV, Scene II - finale
January 20, 2020, New York, NY WHO Global Announcement Incite global fear
“Chinese authorities have made a preliminary determination of a novel (or new) coronavirus, identified in a hospitalized person with pneumonia in Wuhan.
“Chinese investigators conducted gene sequencing of the virus, using an isolate from one positive patient sample. Preliminary identification of a novel virus in a short period of time is a notable achievement and demonstrates China’s increased capacity to manage new outbreaks.
“According to Chinese authorities, the virus in question can cause severe illness in some patients and does not transmit readily between people.” 36
36 WHO Statement regarding cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China


In February 2013, a final draft of a global plan to inflict the global population with a bioweapon37 was polished, signed, and published.38 Its purpose was criminal, nefarious, and driven by greed – “commercial interests.” Entitled “Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020” (GVAP), it carried the imprimatur and signatures of the following cast of characters and organizations:
• Dr. Seth Berkley, Chief Executive Officer GAVI Alliance;
• Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General, World Health Organization (WHO);
• Dr. Christopher Elias, President, Global Development Program, Bill & Melinda Gates
• Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, US National Institute of Allergies, and Infectious Diseases
• Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); and
• Ms. Joy Phumaphi, Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance.
Spearheaded by Chris Elias of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, this self-appointed group declared the fundamental commercial dictum: “to extend immunization to everyone.”39
The groundwork for GVAP had been assiduously laid for several years by unelected and unaccountable powers. In 2005, the World Health Assembly (WHA), under the auspices of the WHO, launched the Global Immunization Vision and Strategy, 2006–2015, “the first 10-year strategic framework to realize the potential of immunization.”40 In May 2011, five years before the strategic decade was completed, the WHA Secretariat pursued discussions of a new plan for
37 Draft Global Vaccine Action Plan, 65th World Health Assembly, 11 May 2012, Introduction, para. 3, https:apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA65/A65_22-en.pdf. “Immunization is, and should be recognized as, a core component of the human right to health and an individual, community and governmental responsibility.... As part of a comprehensive package of interventions for disease prevention and control, vaccines and immunization are an essential investment in a country’s – indeed, in the world’s – future.”
38 Global Vaccine Plan 2011-2020. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/global-vaccine-action-plan-2011-2020.
39 Global Vaccine Action Plan, p. 6. See https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/global-vaccine-action-plan-2011- 2020.
40 Draft global vaccine action plan, p.1 para. 2. https://app.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/69146/WHO_IVB_05.05.pdf; or apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA65/A65_22-en.pdf

the years from 2011-2020: the Decade of Vaccines (DOV).41 The WHA and WHO “welcomed” those discussions and attendant plans.42
Ironically, in December of this same year (2005), the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act43 (the Act) was signed into law by President George W. Bush.44 The Act included targeted liability protections for “pandemic and epidemic products and security countermeasures.”45 In short, vaccine manufacturers were “immune from suit and liability under Federal and State law with respect to all claims for loss caused by ... an individual of a covered countermeasure,” including death, physical, mental, or emotional injury, illness, or disability,” as well as loss or damage to property, including business interruption loss.46 Clearly, all risks and costs of claiming the “human right” in the form of an immunization, or being coerced to receive it by government force, was to be borne solely by the individual human into whom “countermeasure” was injected. Such was the nature of the “national legislation” that the Decade of Vaccine plans had portended.47
41 Id. The phrase or title “The Decade of Vaccines” appears twenty-one times throughout the entirety of the 39 page document, Draft global vaccine action plan.
42 Id. p.1 para. 1.
43 42 USC 201 et seq.
44 President’s Statement on Signing of H.R. 2863, the “Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006; georgewbush- whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2005/12/20051230-8.html#:~:text=into%20law%20H.R.- ,2863,%20the%20"Department%20of%20Defense,%20Emergency%20Supplemental%20Appropriations%20to,and%20pro tect%20Americans%20from%20a; See 42 USC 201 et seq., https://www.congress.gov/109/plaws/publ148/PLAW- 109publ148.pdf.
45 Id.
46 Id. The statute states in relevant part: “SEC. 319F–3. TARGETED LIABILITY PROTECTIONS FOR PANDEMIC AND EPIDEMIC PRODUCTS AND SECURITY COUNTERMEASURES. (a) LIABILITY PROTECTIONS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the other provisions of this section, a covered person shall be immune from suit and liability under Federal and State law with respect to all claims for loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration to or the use by an individual of a covered countermeasure if a declaration under subsection (b) has been issued with respect to such countermeasure. (2) SCOPE OF CLAIMS FOR LOSS.— (A) LOSS.—For purposes of this section, the term ‘loss’ means any type of loss, including— (i) death; (ii) physical, mental, or emotional injury, illness, disability, or condition; (iii) fear of physical, mental, or emotional injury, illness, disability, or condition, including any need for medical monitoring; and (iv) loss of or damage to property, including business interruption loss. Each of clauses (i) through (iv) applies without regard to the date of the occurrence, presentation, or discovery of the loss described in the clause. (B) SCOPE.—The immunity under paragraph (1) applies to any claim for loss that has a causal relationship with the administration to or use by an individual of a covered countermeasure, including a causal relationship with the design, development, clinical testing or investigation, manufacture, labeling, distribution, formulation, packaging, marketing, promotion, sale, purchase, donation, dispensing, prescribing, administration, licensing, or use of such countermeasure. (Emphasis added.)
47 See supra fn. 22 and infra fn 47.

One year later, on 11 May 2012, the “Draft global vaccination action plan” (the “Draft”) was proposed.48 The draft included an auspicious, gratuitous, and self-interested fiat creation: immunization as a new human right. The WHA spelled it out as follows:
“Immunization is, and should be recognized as, a core component of the human right to health and an individual, community and governmental responsibility.”49 (Emphasis added.)
Thus, the WHO and WHA created, by an unknown and unrecognized authority, a new human right with a severe corresponding responsibility. Doubtless, this new human right would require a global bureaucracy with all the trappings. Moreover, the authors of the Draft included an exhaustive list of the “stakeholders” necessary to implement this new global human right along with their exhaustive responsibilities.50 The Draft continues:
“As part of a comprehensive package of interventions for disease prevention and control, vaccines and immunization are an essential investment in a country’s – indeed, in the world’s – future.”51 (Emphasis added.)
Laying the foundations for the investment in this, the world’s new future, the Draft also identifies the method by which the authors’ prime commercial directive was to be achieved -- with this ominous statement:
“The last century was, in many respects, the century of treatment. . .. This century promises to be the century of vaccines[.] Ensuring that the vision for the Decade of Vaccines becomes a reality is a powerful step in that direction.”52 (Emphasis added.)
Hence, the WHA, with the WHO as its midwife, gave birth to a sainted creature to which all knees would bow and every tongue confess allegiance and fealty, i.e., the sacred and all-powerful
48 Id.
49 Id. p.1, para. 3.
50 Id. Annex 2, pp. 35-39. Stakeholders identified in the Draft include the following: Individuals and communities, governments, health professionals, academia, manufacturers, global agencies (such as WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, regional development banks and the GAVI Alliance), development partners, civil society, media, and the private sector.
51 Id.
52 Id.p.2,p.6.

vaccines and immunizations, the “essential investments,” that would save the world for the next one hundred years.
Yet, the WHO and WHA were not the only organizations positioning “vaccines” as saviors of humanity’s future. Indeed, an entire army of organizations would be needed to implement the global plans. A short list of that phalanx of holy sister organizations includes the following:
• the United Nations Millennium Declaration;
• the United Nations World Summit for Children;
• the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children;
• the United Nations Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s
• the GAVI Alliance;
• the Global Polio Eradication Initiative;
• the Measles Initiative;
• UNICEF’s vaccine procurement services; and
• PAHO’s Revolving Fund for Vaccine Procurement.
To support their “vaccine as a human right and responsibility” imperative, Elias, Fauci, WHO, WHA, and others also identified the requirement of national legislation. Certainly, this human right needed enforcement of government law to ensure all would receive the “right,” whether they wanted it or not. After all, this new human right was also a “responsibility.” Additionally, for those who need some extra persuasion, “technical experts” and “champions of immunization” would be recruited to guarantee compliance with their global immunization mandates:
“National legislation, policies and resource allocation decisions should be informed by credible and current evidence regarding the direct and indirect impact of immunization. . .. Collaboration between, on the one hand, technical experts who generate the evidence and, on the other, the champions of immunization who construct context-specific messages . . . can unequivocally articulate the value of immunization[.]”53 (Emphasis added.)
Reaching even further, the Draft authors asserted that “[l]essons on vaccines and immunization should be included in the primary school education curriculum”54 of all member countries.
53 Id. pp. 8-9, para. 33. 54 Id. p. 11, para. 38.

In short, declaring vaccination an essential “human right,” they spent the decade seeking to develop and deploy a “universal vaccination.” In the end, however, their efforts for global traction failed. No one wanted what they were selling.
Bemoaning their failure before Congress and the World Health Organization, they complained that the public was reticent to accept their “universal” vaccines and even more reluctant to embrace their global control plan dressed in the sheep’s clothing of “human rights.” Possibly informed by the obvious and compelling failure of the influenza “vaccines” that failed to disrupt annual flu seasons, the public was not falling for their Decade of the Vaccine obsession.
In 2015, Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance (veterinarian and NIAID pandemic engineer), with laboratories at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, lamented:
“...until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process,” Daszak stated.55 (Emphasis added.)
Less than two years later, on January 12, 2017, and as if on cue, Georgetown University hosted “
55 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK349040/
56 Dr. Fauci Warned In 2017 Of ‘Surprise Outbreak’ During Trump Administration | HuffPost Latest News
57 Global Health Experts Advise Advance Planning for Inevitable Pandemic | Georgetown University Medical Center | Georgetown University.
Pandemic Preparedness in the Next US Presidential Administration,” a gathering of global health
experts “from academia, government and advocacy.” There, Fauci and other global health
leaders, just days before President Trump’s inauguration, warned the incoming Trump
administration to plan for their global pandemic. Specifically, Fauci prophesied with certainty that
a “’surprise outbreak’ would occur during the Trump administration.”56
“’If there’s one message that I want to leave with you today based on my
experience, it is that there is no question that there will be a challenge to the
coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases,” Fauci said.57

One is compelled to ask oneself, from where did Fauci obtain his certitude of an oncoming
infectious disease outbreak? Indeed, since his appointment in 1984 to lead the NIAID, he had
never had to confront the type or scale of infectious disease catastrophe of which he was so
strongly forewarning.
“’No matter what, history has told us definitively that [outbreaks] will happen,’ he said. ‘It is a perpetual challenge. It is not going to go away. The thing we are extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to see this in the next few years.’”58 (Emphasis added.)
What did Fauci know about the “surprise outbreak” of an infectious disease “in the next few years?” It begs credulity that WHO announced “a mysterious coronavirus-related pneumonia in Wuhan, China” on January 20, 2020, nearly three years to the day of Fauci’s fortune-telling.59
In fact, Fauci and this cadre had missed the opportunity to leverage the deadly flu season of 2018. Consequently, Fauci, Elias, and Daszak announced that they would construct a scenario to mandate that ALL countries respond to a “lethal respiratory pathogen.” These criminal conspirators put humanity on a collision course with a manufactured “pandemic” to create the vaccine dependency program that they had designed in 2005 under the Decade of Vaccines program, and the broader “Century of Vaccines” program launched in 2015. They published their plans in September 2019, a mere three months before the surprise outbreak:
“A rapidly spreading pandemic due to a lethal respiratory pathogen (whether naturally emergent or accidentally or deliberately released) poses additional preparedness requirements. Donors and multilateral institutions must ensure adequate investment in development of innovative vaccine and therapeutics, surge manufacturing capacity, broad-spectrum antivirals, and appropriate non- pharmaceutical interventions. All countries must develop a system for immediately sharing sequences of any new pathogen for public health purposes, along with the means to share limited medical countermeasures across countries.60
“Progress indicator(s) by September 2020.
“Donors and countries commit and identify timelines for: financing and development of a universal influenza vaccine, broad-spectrum antivirals and targeted therapeutics. WHO and Member States develop options for standard
58 Dr. Fauci Warned In 2017 Of ‘Surprise Outbreak’ During Trump Administration | HuffPost Latest News.
59 “WHO declares coronavirus a pandemic, urges aggressive action,” AP News, March 11, 2020. WHO declares coronavirus a pandemic, urges aggressive action | AP News.
60 A World at Risk: Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies - Global Preparedness Monitoring Board [EN/AR/RU/ZH] - World | ReliefWeb, Executive Summary: Actions for Leaders to Take.

procedures and timelines for sharing of sequence data, specimens and medical countermeasures for pathogens other than influenza.”61
One month later, on October 18, 2019, they announced that they would use SARS Coronavirus as a “desktop” simulation during the Event 201 exercise funded by Open Philanthropy (Facebook’s Dustin Moskovitz) and hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and Johns Hopkins University.62
COVID-19, the first “disease” to have NO diagnostic test to measure its existence, was a series of symptoms aggregated to form an influenza-like illness to create the illusion of a pandemic. Now discredited, the RT-PCR test (amplified to cycles that could simulate any nucleic acid sequence) was used to create the illusion of infection and spread fear around the world. And all of this was to force the public adoption of a novel mRNA “vaccine” which, by the FDA’s own classification is a gene therapy63 – not the promised “human right” public health immunization.
Now, over one year later it has become self-evident that the “vaccination” terminology was adopted for two reasons: (1) branding purposes (including the attempt to secure immunity shields for manufacturers); and (2) to coerce the population into accepting an experimental, dangerous, gene therapy technology.
Rather than the promised immunizations that would spell the salvation of the world’s future in this, the Century of the Vaccine, the injected are getting sick. The injected are dying “of COVID- 19.” There is NO evidence that the injections have disrupted transmission, as the recent “Omicron variant” has now made abundantly clear.
61 A World at Risk, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, https://reliefweb.int//sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf, Executive Summary p. VI, Required Actions, p. 20.
62 Event 201, a pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness efforts (centerforhealthsecurity.org).
63 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1682852/000168285220000017/mrna-20200630.htm.

The forensic path and recorded documentary history detailed here was never about public health. Rather, it was, and has always been, an organized crime racket to coerce the public’s adoption of a novel technology that has NEVER been shown to be safe or effective under the definitions of the FDA, the Federal Trade Commission’s Deceptive Medical Practices standard, or under any other statutory criteria.
It is long past time to hold the criminals accountable for the following crimes: • Domestic and International Terrorism;64
• Deceptive Medical Practices;65
• Reckless Endangerment and Homicide;66
• Racketeering and Anti-trust collusion;67 and,
64 18 USC 2339. Harboring and Concealing Terrorists. “(a) Whoever harbors or conceals any person who he knows, or has reasonable grounds to believe, has committed, or is about to commit, an offense under section 32 (relating to
destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities), section 175 (relating to biological weapons), section 229 (relating to chemical weapons), section 831 (relating to nuclear materials), paragraph (2) or (3) of section 844(f) (relating to arson and bombing of government property risking or causing injury or death), section 1366(a) (relating to the destruction of an energy facility), section 2280 (relating to violence against maritime navigation), section 2332a (relating to weapons of mass destruction), or section 2332b (relating to acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries) of this title, section 236(a) (relating to sabotage of nuclear facilities or fuel) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2284(a)), or section 46502 (relating to aircraft piracy) of title 49, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(b) A violation of this section may be prosecuted in any Federal judicial district in which the underlying offense was committed, or in any other Federal judicial district as provided by law.
65 15 USC 45(c). 66 18 USC 51.
67 15 USC §1. Trusts, etc., in restraint of trade illegal; penalty
Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal. Every person who shall make any contract or engage in any combination or conspiracy hereby declared to be illegal shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding $100,000,000 if a corporation, or, if any other person, $1,000,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding 10 years, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court.
15 USC §8. Trusts in restraint of import trade illegal; penalty
Every combination, conspiracy, trust, agreement, or contract is declared to be contrary to public policy, illegal, and void when the same is made by or between two or more persons or corporations, either of whom, as agent or principal, is engaged in importing any article from any foreign country into the United States, and when such combination, conspiracy, trust, agreement, or contract is intended to operate in restraint of lawful trade, or free competition in lawful trade or commerce, or to increase the market price in any part of the United States of any article or articles imported or intended to be imported into the United States, or of any manufacture into which such imported article enters or is intended to enter. Every person who shall be engaged in the importation of goods or any commodity from any foreign country in violation of this section, or who shall combine or conspire with another to

• Biological Weapons Construction and Deployment.68
I have been the solitary voice calling for this accountability since the inception of this scheme. I am now leading efforts to litigate all the matters identified above, as well as hold the conspiring commercial interests liable for tax and securities fraud. In the former, each manufacturer has misused the In Process Research and Experimentation Tax Credit, misrepresenting sponsored research as qualified exemptions. In the latter, each manufacturer has violated that Bayh-Dole Act and has thereby misrepresented proprietary interests to their shareholders in violation of SEC laws.
The time to act is now. As a national and global citizenry, we must stand to protect and defend humanity against the largest criminal enterprise in world history.
violate the same, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court of the United States such person shall be fined in a sum not less than $100 and not exceeding $5,000, and shall be further punished by imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, for a term not less than three months nor exceeding twelve months.
68 18 USC §175. Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons
(a) In General.-Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, or attempts, threatens, or conspires to do the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section committed by or against a national of the United States.
(b) Additional Offense. -Whoever knowingly possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system of a type or in a quantity that, under the circumstances, is not reasonably justified by a prophylactic, protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purpose, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both. In this subsection, the terms "biological agent" and "toxin" do not encompass any biological agent or toxin that is in its naturally occurring environment, if the biological agent or toxin has not been cultivated, collected, or otherwise extracted from its natural source.
(c) Definition. -For purposes of this section, the term "for use as a weapon" includes the development, production, transfer, acquisition, retention, or possession of any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for other than prophylactic, protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purposes. (Italics added.)

Patent Filing Records Associated with SARS CoV, SARS CoV2, Spike Protein, and ACE2 Binding
The following data is being made publicly available for the Commons by M·CAM International LLC based on a series of reviews of patent literature derived from references found in:
A novel bat coronavirus reveals natural insertions at the S1/S2 2 cleavage site of the Spike protein and a possible recombinant 3 origin of HCoV-19 4 Hong Zhou1,8, Xing Chen2,8, Tao Hu1,8 , Juan Li1,8, Hao Song3 , Yanran Liu1 , Peihan Wang1 5 , Di Liu4 , Jing Yang5 , Edward C. Holmes6 , Alice C. Hughes2,*, Yuhai Bi5,*, Weifeng Shi1,7,*
And sequences leading to the reporting of genomic epidemiology at https://nextstrain.org/ncov Polybasic cleavage site for SARS CoV with novel spike protein and ACE2 RBD
The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 Kristian G. Andersen1,2*, Andrew Rambaut3, W. Ian Lipkin4, Edward C. Holmes5 & Robert F. Garry6,7
Amino acid sequences directed against envelope proteins of a virus and polypeptides comprising the same for the treatment of viral diseases
Ablynx N.V.
Amino acid sequences directed against envelope proteins of a virus and polypeptides comprising the same for the treatment of viral diseases
Ablynx N.V.
Ablynx N.V.
Ablynx N.V.
Amino acid sequences directed against envelope proteins of a virus and polypeptides comprising the same for the treatment of viral diseases
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Amino acid sequences directed against envelope proteins of a virus and polypeptides comprising the same for the treatment of viral diseases
Ablynx N.V.
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Tables of Coronavirus Patent Filings
and Published Scientific Articles on Coronavirus
Table 1
All patent filings since 1998 (over 5,000) referencing SARS Coronavirus.

Table 2
All scientific research papers that included the word “coronavirus” in the title or abstract.
“The number of scientific papers that included the word “coronavirus” in the title or abstract jumped dramatically after the SARS outbreak began in 2002, according to an analysis of scientific content in the Web of Science Core Collection conducted for STAT. The database culls papers from more than 21,000 peer-reviewed, scholarly journals around the globe.
“But when concerns faded as the outbreak was contained, and multiyear grants dried up, the pace of publication slowed. There were just 594 papers published on coronaviruses in 2011, compared to a peak of 1,007 papers in 2004.”
STAT, Fluctuating funding and flagging interest hurt coronavirus research, leaving crucial knowledge gaps,
Helen Branswell, Megan Thielking, February 10, 2020; https://www.statnews.com/2020/02/10/fluctuating-funding- and-flagging-interest-hurt-coronavirus-research/

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