Precinct Strategy 2023: The Year of the Precinct Committeeman. Dan Schultz January 11 2023

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January 11 2023

2023: The Year of the Precinct Committeeman. A roadmap for saving our Republic through you and other conservatives exercising your rights and your civic responsibilities and duties as precinct committeemen.

The Republican National Committee RINOs hope you will fail at this.

I want to recruit you into the PC ranks of our Party where you live.

The website has zero information on it regarding why and how to become a voting member of your local Republican committee, how to find your local Republican committee and, whether, when you become a voting member of your local committee, there's a communications and collaboration platform in existence on which precinct committeemen can easily communicate and collaborate regarding reaching their Republican Party goals. has all of that.

At the current rate of progress, the Precinct Committeeman Strategy will fail because the missing ingredient, conservatives, continues to be in too short of supply to make a positive difference. And, it's an all-or-nothing battle. Either conservatives take over the Republican Party, and put themselves on a path to save our republic, or not. Most conservatives either do not know what to do, or do, and won't either become PCs or advocate that conservatives become PCs. I really do not like those who know about the Strategy, who enjoy huge conservative audiences, and do not advocate every day for the Strategy. If they are reading this, they know who they are. You probably know who they are, too.

Dan Schultz

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