JUAN O SAVIN- Brazil and Miracles close by with Prayer- Tom Numbers 1 11 2023

1 year ago

Ana Marins explains how Brazil and their Political atmosphere are a good example how we are being corrupted in our minds and the hope that we should have as Children of God. The Truth is, this is about the conflict between God vs. Satan. We can try as we can to understand this but we have to CHOSE our PATH. And find our MISSION FROM GOD. This is personal and sharing with others this passion and energy, but with focus on the divine.
IT IS THE THREE A TRINITY. Mankind, Children and God.. Man and Woman and GOD. The Fabric of the Matrix based on numbers that both sides command in their favor. The Trinity is also based on the Circle with the Triangle within it. The touch-point on the circle is at 19.5 degrees above the "equator" and x 2 is the number 39. This can create the resonance in Scripture that is magnified from the trinity into the 3 6 9 the magnificence of the Universe.. Adams World given to him by God. This is a very concise explanation, explained by Juan to explain this Science and Scriptural experience.
The animals and the birds were also the Providence of the Earth that Adam as Steward in the beginning cared for and named. We are the BEINGS that were on the Ark that Noah, who was perfect in all his Generations, and as the Second Adam, Jesus Christ, was also a Steward, as the Son of God over his "flock".

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