American Reckoning Ep. 1 - Confederate Graves Desecration

1 year ago

The Marxists have chalked up another victory as they wheeled out their racist stooge, the mayor of Richmond, Va., employing their favorite weapon - under the guise of "racism" - to falsely justify the desecration of the grave of Confederate General A.P. Hill in Richmond. Will this lead to Confederate soldiers being exhumed in graves across the South, in private cemeteries and on family farms, just by crying racism or slavery? The real underlying reasons for this desecration are discussed and the true evil purpose of these acts is exposed -- that the removal of Confederate symbols and monuments is deliberate in order to sew division and hatred. Marxists have long targeted the South because the culture and heritage there is strongest, and resistance to totalitarian and authoritarian central control there is most defiant. But Confederate symbols are just the first step. When the South falls the rest of America will tumble easily -- and that is the real prize.

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