Media Matters For America Exposed By Alternative Media The Burrow Channel Research EVERYTHING

1 year ago

Real Breaking World News Stories Media Matters For America Exposed By The Burrow Alternative Media News Channel Read More QNETWORKNEWSÉIRE Real World News Stories Here

Full Video Transcript:
Message to media matters, we are not a queue channel ok redpills simply just providing actual alternative truth with backed-up studies ok using our opinion providing studies that without a doubt proof of certain topics. There is no misinformation on here. We do not promote violence not even one video that even references violence at all. That's completely wrong and that’s fraud Media matters this website is literally committing fraud by just making up random accusations. We have not violated any terms or conditions all of our videos on the channel are all opinion videos they’re all fair use videos none of them promote violence at all they’re actually amazing videos that provide a lot of information this whole hit piece article against the burrow is absolutely ridiculous in you should take it down now to further elaborate we at burrow we were supporters and we did find the queue movement very interesting but we have since abandon that movement because we just don't find a valid anymore. Again we haven't completely written off that movement and Trump but we are not with that movement anymore. That is not what we represent we represent the truth and alternative information. We provide different Archives of different information from different people it’s a hub of a bunch of different information in free speech from different people all over the world regarding our ad placements the only reason we’re asking people to advertise is so that we’re out of the hole right now we are paying around $4,500 in CDN charges, so we need to advertise the ad space in order to survive in a keep this channel up, so they're making it look like we’re trying to make money. This is an absolute hit piece and it’s disgusting media matters needs to remove this post now and also Roku doesn't get a cut of any profits. What they do is once we reach a certain stage They get a percentage of our ad space for what ever ads they would like so burrow is not profiting off of conspiracy theories media matters literally wrote this hit piece without checking out one piece of content on the burrow they didn't even download the channel and look at it and they’re just coming to all these conclusions. It's absolutely disgusting and it's pathetic honestly. It's simple a lot of videos on there are videos that are already created on the mainstream Media that we chop up and add our own opinion to it and add some other source and information to it. So while you're sitting there trying to write a hit piece to take down our Channel your literally destroying everybody's ability to find alternative information and it’s sickening honestly so media matters as you continue to write hit pieces about things you don’t fully investigate ruining your name ruining your credibility we will continue to get the word out about the truth you didn’t even look at any of the videos on there and you decide to write a hit piece on us it’s absolutely ridiculous it’s unfounded and we are going to press charges look in the mail for a law suit because we are going to contact our lawyers and you need to take down this post you need to retract this post and you need to make a post apologising to us because you didn't do your due diligence you didn’t do your research 90% of the things that you said were flawed and were lies that's fraudulent that's harassment and that's discrimination we consider your post on your website about us little harassment. We're going to sue you if you don not retract your statement and apologise correcting your statement. We will sue you for damages based on the amount of viewers we would lose based on the words that you said I strongly advise you to retract your statement and whoever you have on here that your eyes and ears I suggest that you send this message to media matters now and everybody else I’ll see you on Roku on the burrow the channel called burrow search burrow and if you’re looking to advertise shut us a message go to


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