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Beyond 'Died Suddenly' | John O’Looney and Richard Hirschman

2 years ago

The recent documentary, Died Suddenly, produced by Stew Peters, gave an overview of the globalist depopulation agenda via the so-called covid vaccines. Among others, the documentary featured two of the original whistle blowers on the vaccine harms.
John O’Looney, from Great Britain, was the first undertaker to raise the alarm on the huge increase in deaths following the vaccine rollout, deaths that were happening not to elderly and vulnerable people, but to young people who had no pre-existing conditions. Richard Hirschman, from the U.S. provided the first images of the massive blockages that were being removed from the bodies of the injected.
In this interview, they present their full stories, from when they first knew something was seriously amiss, to present day and their very grave concerns for our future. Along the way, they discuss the timeline, the links between the release of the shots and the sudden and dramatic increase in deaths from unknown causes, the shocking increase in miscarriages and how they are being covered up, and how grieving families are being hoodwinked into believing that the shots had nothing to do with the sudden deaths of otherwise healthy young people.
Are the shots merely medical malpractice amplified by government incompetence, or are they state sponsored mass murder?


  • 0/2000
  • .👉 Cancer: FDA is blocking access to a cure for cancer for over 40 year! Dr Burzynski https://youtu.be/AAIisPEzoVo .👉 W.H.O. tyranny in a few months important: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/100-reasons

  • Thanks for sharing the truth,John O'Looney,you are a hero and a good talker,im ex British army and they trained to trust our instinct,gut feelings,decernment,it's true evil

  • Thank you for sharing the Truth! Deception is everywhere! Maranatha!

  • Applaud these guys for speaking out. However, when anyone refers to themselves as having had Covid, as opposed to cold/flu, as did Richard, they weaken their own argument.

  • Where is rest of documentary/interview?

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  • This is an excerpt. For the full version, you would need to sign up for a subscription at: https://ironwillreport.com/subscribe/ I personally edited this interview; it is essential to understanding the impact of the shots on the unborn and young people. Valerie Dove

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