Worry As An Idol | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | February 1, 2023

1 year ago

Worry As An Idol | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | February 1, 2023

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.  Matthew 6:34 

There’s one thing the past few years have shown us as a society: we are good at worrying. Certainly worry is always a factor in our lives; it’s nothing new. But it’s hard not to worry when there are so many voices telling us there are things to be afraid of. Illnesses, famine, economic collapse, wars…the list goes on and on. A steady diet of headlines and newsfeeds can turn us into very apprehensive creatures. We become people we were not made to be; an image God did not want us to have as His children.

In Matthew 6 Jesus speaks about worry and puts things in plain terms we can understand: do not worry about tomorrow. You cannot control it. You cannot manipulate things to influence what remains largely unknown. Worry steals joy. Worry steals the opportunity to live in the present. And left unmarked and unchecked, worry turns into an idol in our lives. Christ comes to set us free from such a mindset. We have a promise that despite what happens in this life even the worst-case scenario still does not keep us from Him. “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21) We must reject worry every chance we get. We must replace it with the peace of knowing our hope is secure in Christ.

Question for today: What in my life has me worried right now? How does it pale in comparison to Who God is and His sovereignty over His creation?

Pray: Lord help me acknowledge that worry does no good thing in my life. Help me replace thoughts of worry and fear with the truth of Your word.

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