Giving The Fight Over To God | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | January 25, 2023

1 year ago

Giving The Fight Over To God | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | January 25, 2023

But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cried aloud to the LORD, and He answered me from His holy hill. Psalm 3:3,4

In our lives there are certain markers I believe we can examine to see whether or not we are growing in our faith. Having done some self-examination going into a new year (before and after 2023 started), there is one marker that stands out for me: how often am I giving my cares and worries over to the Lord? Am I still worrying about the same old problems I had last year or the year before…or even 5-10 years ago? If so, why? If I’m growing in faith, can I see that things like money, family, health, well-being and so on are ultimately held in His hands?

David starts out Psalm 3 by recognizing he has foes. Not only that, they are rising up against him and saying God will not save him. But verses 3 and 4 are a pivotal point in the passage — But You, O LORD… He sees God as his shield; as the one who lifts him up. And he knows God has answered him and will answer him once again. Today, with all the foes we face and the looming questions we may have, are we giving the fight over to God knowing that the battle is ultimately His? This is a marker of true faith and growth in Christ: the willing surrender of our cares to His capable hands!

Question for today: Is there a worry you’ve held onto…maybe a year, maybe longer, that you need to surrender over to the Lord?

Pray: God I thank You for the reminder that You are a shield about us and the one who answers our prayers. I surrender my own worry and doubt to You today, knowing the battles I face are Yours.

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