1-11-23 Planes, Taxes and Gas Stoves

2 years ago

Twitter removes a reporter’s twitter account for supporting a fair tax act from congress. Also, AOC says your gas stove causes brain damage. The responses are epic. Plus, did Mayor Pete lay cover for Biden by grounding planes?

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We discuss the op-ed that ran on Fox News with Jeffrey Berk, the founder of Truth Tells. His group is taking aim at socialist Democrats like Ilhan Omar and others in the Squad www.truthtells.org

Moms for Liberty - Darcy Schoening. She is Chapter Chair for El Paso, Colorado and currently dealing with a school board that is actively persecuting parents who are trying to speak and defend their rights. Even a Mayor was wrongly accused and trespassed for life from school district properties.

Bob Carlson, Retirement Watch. The essential guide to Retiring in the 2020s. https://www.retirementwatch.com/ He is America’s number one retirement expert.

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