UK RADAR BASE DUMBS ( refs. Miles Johnston & Kerry Cassidy) Dr B Experiences The Heavenly Tea

1 year ago

The Heavenly Tea with Isabel Aimee/Dr.B

Conversations to prepare us for a free world in the luxurious form of a tea-party. Traditionally world-changing conversations would be held over a cup of tea…. we will be indulging in a moment of calm to chew over some of life’s mysterious conundrums- all in favour of increasing all of our personal expression.

I lived, literally NEXT DOOR to the Appleton Laboratories at Ditton Park ( our house was Dutton Park Cottage). I always knew weird things went on there, because I would look over the garden fence to the spooky ‘unused’ ponds and imagine strange water creatures. The experimentation with radiation would account for myriad weird happenings, -INCLUDING, being strangled over the rubbish bin in the corner of my room ( facing that pond), by some horrific being, whilst watching ,my sleeping body on my bed. Scary.
I also lost the ability to walk for several months whilst living there and was taken to hospital where I was experimented on, until eventually my parents realised something fishy was going on ( the hospital had drugged my seven-eight year old self with Valium…..).
There was a walk in wardrobe in the room next door, which would fill up with a multiplicity of beings, and various beings would pretend to be my younger sister’s toys in the night. In the end, we moved because of my traumatic experience.

Kerry Cassidy, Miles, The Bases Project

Miles Johnston

Ted Mahr Out of This World Radio / Q

INSPIRITION- Isabel’s Books and Courses for Creative Development

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