Why I Wrote a Book about Women & the Church

2 years ago

Ericka Andersen's new book, "Reason to Return: Why Women Need the Church & the Church Needs Women" out from NavPress and Tyndale, is a new read for the millions of Christian women in the U.S. who have left the Christian church.

The book is also a fantastic resource for church leadership who may want to learn about what drives women away and what brings them back.

In this conversation, Ericka is interviewed about her vision behind the book, why she wrote it and the data that led her to the conclusions she landed on.

- How many women have left?
- Why are they leaving?
- Where is the disconnect?
- What are women missing when they don't participate in a faith community?
- What is the church missing when women leave?

Ericka answers these questions and more in this in-depth, author interview.

You an purchase "Reason to Return" here:

Learn more about Ericka & her work:

Catch interviews with Christian women leading in a variety of ways on Ericka's podcast, Worth Your Time:

Grab faith tips for mom at the home page: ErickaAndersen.com

LOOKING FOR WRITING COACHING OR TIPS? Visit Ericka's website, PitchandPublish.co for help with freelance writing, non-fiction book proposals, editing and more.

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